Congratulations on 50 Years!
Pastor Howard & Marge Marshall

June 23, 2002
Klawock, Alaska

Some of our guests

Pastor Howard, Marge, Yolanda Kelly

Leah, baby Noah, Katherine Kruse,
Marilyn Craske.  Noah is Marilyn's grandson.


Sarah Kruse and Marge

Kathy & Mark Kruse, Pam Fredericksen


Left to right:
Jerry & Twila Warren, Roberta & Scott Foss, Howard, Marge, Yolanda.


Pastor, Marge and Liz Bovee, with sons Jedediah and Cameron Klawock elders, Theodore & Alicia Roberts, with daughter Roberta Foss Jon & Patti Rowan
with daughter Cecilia


A comment from Pastor Howard

This is our 4th wedding anniversary with you folks.  You may never again have another pastor who will celebrate 50 years of marriage!  You have blessed us in so many ways and it is an honor to have you worship with us, fellowship over a delicious meal and then joining us for our reception.  Marge and I want to thank you!

What does the Bible say about marriage?  "...for this cause a man shall leave his father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh. ... Consequently they are no longer two, but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let no man separate." 
Matthew 19:5-6 NASB.    ~23-Jun-02

To read more Comments by Pastor Howard, click here.

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Prince of Peace Assembly of God
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Credits:  Photographer, Alex DeCastro.


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