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Echoes from "Mother Layne's
Hospitality Home for Servicemen"

Sunday 03/16/2025

Updated 05.23.2020 -- Look for  




I have just become acquainted with Mother Layne's Hospitality Home through a small New Testament. It had belonged to my husband's aunt in-law, Marge Misner. Her home address at that time was 1037 Hendricks, South Jacksonville, Florida. She became the wife of William Lyle Bowles Jr.also of Jacksonville. Uncle Bill was in the Navy during WWII. I am wondering if anyone has any recollection of Marge or William. Sadly both have long since passed. Thank you in advance.

Barbara Bryan   babryan1957@gmail.com


Here is the bulletin for the 2nd Annual United States Navy Mother of the Fleet Commemoration Dinner
to be held at MCAS Miramar, San Diego, CA.

 I  was excited to received an e-mail from Austin Turnes who lives in Michigan.  He collects old cameras. ~Marge

He wrote, "Hello, my name is Austin Turnes, and I recently purchased a old camera via eBay. The camera was an Argus C3 manufactured about 1953 and it came to me via Montana from an estate. While going through the camera bag I found a very old Christian Greetings card with Irvin & Bertha Rattan on it with a scripture quote. I've enclosed a picture of it, and wondered if you would like me to send it to you for your memorabilia." 

Naturally, I said yes. I scanned it, and it came through pretty well for something so old.


With the card, Austin included this note.  "Enclosed is the card from the Rattans. 
In reading about them, it's a shame there aren't more like them today."

I replied, "Thanks for sending the card.  We had an Argus C-3 and my husband (Howard) took lots of slides with it. I converted them to digital photos recently.  When the C-3 became outdated, we gave it to our son David.  I think many of our friends at the Hospitality Home had the C-3, so it was probably put on eBay by a family member. The Rattans were wonderful people and you're right that we need more people like them."

Verna Linzey Receives Lifetime Achievement Award

Friends, for a free subscription to the ASSIST News Service, click on www.assistnews.net and scroll down to sign up. They do not use your e-mails for anything but to send you ANS stories.

James F. Linzey
Chaplain, Major, USA (Ret.)
State Chaplain, California Military Officers' Association of America
Ordained, Southern Baptist Convention
(760) 855-3905


If you were connected to the Hospitality Home, I'd be grateful if you'd
send your Email address to mmarshall@spaciousskies.me.  I occasionally send out updates.


 A Get-Together in Arkansas

Click to enlarge
Standing: Lawson Adams and Larry Aiken;
Seated: Sharon Hiebert, Wes Abernathy, Beth Abernathy

Note from Leon Hiebert July 25, 2013:

July 12 through 14 Sharon and I went to Ft. Smith Arkansas to be with Lawson Adams, Wes Abernathy, and Larry Atkins who were at Layne’s when we there. We had been in touch with Lawson and Dorothy several times, but not seen Wes and Beth (Higgins) Abernathy for 40+ years. Larry, who lives in the Kansas City area we had met through a funeral of a shared pastor friend.

Sharon Galloway (the daughter of the pastor at Bostonia, Sister Benjamin) who is a GREAT piano/keyboard player, and her husband who live in Bella Vista, Arkansas came to visit us Saturday evening.  We had a great time of singing the old Home songs. Through a phone call, we got to talk to Tiny and Rosanne Dauphini who live in Maine. 

Note from Marge Marshall:  Leon Hiebert sends out an excellent short devotional every day.  If you're interested in receiving it, you can contact him at elhiebert@agchurches.org


Click here to see our Home Away From Home slideshow

The book "Home Away From Home" is now online! 

You may download it by clicking here.  You may print it if you wish; it's 48 pages.

You will need Adobe Reader, because the book is in PDF format. A free copy of the Reader can be downloaded from http://get.adobe.com/reader/

  The Internet address for the book is http://www.spaciousskies.me/HospHome/Homebook.pdf

The following list of files on this website may be considered additions to Home Away From Home, so please feel free to add them to your copy of the book.

Appendix I is The Layne Foundation Story by R.H. Mason (pages 1-13).  Appendix II is the story of M.E. Layne by his niece Ruth Layne in 1936 (pages 14-18).  Appendix III is M.E. Layne's 50th Birthday Greeting (pages 19-25).  All these are in the document The Layne Foundation Story.

Personal Evangelism Lessons by Dad Rattan

Study of the book of John, by Dad Rattan

The Newsletters (1996-2007)

Issue #1

Issue #2

Issue #3

Issue #4

Issue #5

Issue #6

Issue #7

Issue #8

Issue #9   Update to Issue #9

The House at 1268 22nd Street, San Diego, with current photos

 M.E. Layne's Home Office - L.A. Examiner news article

  Now that the book is complete, we've sent our research materials to:

Flower Pentecostal Heritage Center
1445 North Boonville Avenue
Springfield, MO 65802-1894

 Note from Marge:  I associate the old song "Ship Ahoy" with the Hospitality Home.  Click here to hear Jack Holcomb sing it on YouTube.com. 

Another one is "When We See Christ" by Esther Kerr Rushtoi; she wrote it in 1940, as WW2 seemed eminent.  Her husband Howard served as an overseas chaplain to the US Armed Forces.  Esther was a sister of Phil Kerr, who hosted the Monday Night Musicals in Pasadena CA from 1945 to 1960. 



click to enlarge

Howard Marshall, Publisher (now in heaven).  Marge Marshall, Editor
 1044 S. 74th Street, Kansas City, Kansas 66111
Our Home Page

I've moved several memorials to a separate page.  To see it click here.  ~Marge



In 1997 enough funds were raised to purchase a grave marker for "Mom" Rattan.  She had been buried beside "Dad" Rattan in 1989.

The marker was dedicated June 1, 1997 by Lloyd & Leona Dailey, Flo & Ollen Hardin, Virginia Hayden, and Paul & Joy Raymond.

El Camino Memorial Park in San Diego


Miss Lucile Cox used to provide instrumental music for
song services, along with her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Dull.
She told us that after the Home closed in 1975, services continued at East San Diego Assembly of God, with Julius Harlow as speaker and Bill Robinson at the piano.


60th Anniversary of the Japanese Surrender in World War II
CAPT Stanford E. Linzey, II, CHC, USN (Ret.) Gives the Invocation Behind the Presidential Seal
Event:       60th Anniversary of the Japanese Surrender in World War II
   President George W. Bush
Location:  Naval Base Coronado, San Diego, CA (Naval Air Station North Island)
Date:        August 28, 2005
Photo:      Courtesy of Chaplain (MAJOR) James F. Linzey, ARNG (Ret.)
Chaplain Stanford Linzey went to be with his Lord on February 4, 2010.  His obituary is here.

 A Tribute To The Late Captain Linzey from ASSIST News Service

A note from Jim Linzey: My father, Captain Stanford E. Linzey, II, CHC, USN (Ret.), requested that I give you a copy of the above important photo, which captures one of the highlights of his ministry as a Naval Chaplain.  If you would like to have an 8X10 copy of this photo, please e-mail me. info@militarybibleassociation.com If you are interested in purchasing one or more of Rev. Linzey's books, click here.

We've added more pictures to the slide show,  San Diego, 1990  You'll see a picture of Stanford and Verna.


Chaplain Jim Linzey Retires

Friends, here is a photo of Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates and Chaplain James F. Linzey on June 22, 2009 just prior to Chaplain Linzey's retirement from the military. Evangelist Jim Linzey will focus on publishing and promoting The Leader's Bible to donate to military troops.  Jim
James F. Linzey, DD
Chaplain (MAJOR), CAARNG (Ret.)
President, Military Bible Association
Hello Friends.  I would like to share a couple of photos with you taken recently when I met the Secretary of the Army the Honorable Peter Geren on November 17, 2008, and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Mike Mullen on December 1, 2008 (and receiving the Admiral's coin).  I had the wonderful opportunity to share some of my experiences in the chaplaincy with these men.  

On November 5, 2008 I celebrated my 23rd year as a military chaplain.  
Sincerely, Jim
James F. Linzey
Chaplain (MAJOR), USA

Secretary Geren and Jim Linzey

Admiral Mullen congratulates Jim


US Navy Ships is a page on this web site.  If you want to add the ship you served on, please contact Marge Marshall at mmarshall@spaciousskies.me 



 Click here to read about some of the incredible Linzey family members


In May 1993, Marguerite Hall came to Kansas City, Missouri, from Columbus, Nebraska, to visit her brother Paul Hall and his wife Carol, so some of us "Home Folks" got together at the home of J. Ernest "Arkie" and Eunice Radford.  Back row, left to right: Howard Marshall, Leo Gaston, Geri Gaston, Eunice Radford, "Arkie" Radford, Sam Langwell.  Front row, Marge Marshall, Marguerite Hall, Mariana (Hall) Langwell.  Photo by Jeffrey Hall, Mariana's son whose dad was Delbert Glen Hall.

Since then, four of the group have gone on ahead of us to be with the Lord:  Leo, Eunice, "Arkie" and Sam.


Home Folks still like to get together whenever possible. 

Recently Eleanor French was visited in her LaMesa CA home by Paul Raymond and Lloyd & Leona Dailey; Leona snapped this picture.
Paul lives in Shasta CA and the Daileys live in Lakeside CA.

Web pages about the Home

Layne's Hospitality Home for Servicemen, San Diego '41-'75

Memories of Mother Layne's Hospitality Home

The 1939 Chrysler Imperial Limo



San Diego, 1990

Branson, Missouri, 1998
Kansas City, August 2001


Links We Like!
Recommendations Welcome


Kansas City

Marge Marshall

This page is www.spaciousskies.me/



Read about Dr. Verna M. Linzey at www.vernalinzey.org

Verna Linzey Childcare International on YouTube.com

On 7 April 2006, Chaplain (Major) James F. Linzey was awarded the Humanitarian Service Medal for Operation Gulf Coast Relief by the US Army.  To read the press release and see a picture, click on this link:  Medal.pdf

The Holy Spirit by Chaplain (Major) James F. Linzey, D.D., is available from Gospel Publishing House in Springfield, Missouri. 

The Holy Spirit is a comprehensive book examining the baptism, gifts, and fruit of the Spirit.  The book is comprised of Major Linzey's television teaching series on the Holy Spirit from his broadcasts "Operation Freedom," airing in Europe, the southwest and the Philippines.  Frank D. Macchia, D. Theol., editor for Pneuma: the Journal for the Society of Pentecostal Studies, said, "The book is strong medicine for anyone who might think that the Holy Spirit is a raw power that can be manipulated in any way we please."

Major James Linzey has written A Divine Appointment in Washington, D.C.  Major Linzey can be contacted at P.O. Box 300366, Escondido, CA 92030 (760) 685-8491.  His web site is www.operationfreedom.info

Chaplain Jim is the son of Verna & Stanford Linzey and recalls being at the Hospitality Home when he was a kid.


Retired Chaplain Stanford E. Linzey, Jr. is the author of The Holy Spirit in the Third Millennium, Handbook on the Holy Spirit: A Guide to the Spirit Within.  The book is described as dealing with "issues surrounding the manifestation of the Spirit in prayer from theological and practical points of view. The treatment is orthodox, yet it is charismatic in tone and practical in presentation. ... It has broad appeal to charismatic, Pentecostal and para-church groups, yet it has reached into evangelical, mainline, Catholic Pentecostal and ecumenical groups because of its reasoned theological and biblical content." 

Howard Marshall has read the book and says, "It’s a practical, down-to-earth Handbook, and I highly recommend it."

Other books by Chp. Linzey are Pentecost in the Pentagon and God Was at Midway.   He’s written two smaller works, "Why I believe in the Baptism with the Holy Spirit" and "Filling Your Boots," a guide for young people entering military service. You can find Chp. Linzey's books at Amazon.com.

You may download a copy of "O Glory Be to God." a hymn written by Rev. Linzey; please click here.