Duane R. Milano, Ph.D., C.M.A., C.C.A., Wandering Racquetball Missionary

Updated 24-Jul-2020

The Milano Family, circa1993

Monday 03-17-2025


Day is done, gone the sun from the lake, from the hill, from the sky.
All is well, safely rest.  God is nigh.
Thanks and praise for our days 'neath the sun, 'neath the stars, 'neath the sky.
As we go, this we know.  God is nigh.

TX T, Wandering Racquetball Missionary (Dr. Duane R. Milano), went to be with the Lord on March 3, 2002.   Click here to read his obituary.  We will miss his caring attitude and his wit.     

As believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, we know that we'll see Duane again some day, in heaven.  If you're not sure where you'll spend eternity, we invite you to ask Christ into your heart right now.  And if you'd like someone to pray with you, call 1-800-4PRAYER, the Assemblies of God National Prayer Center.

As a tribute to Duane's sense of humor, we're going to leave some fun links on this page, hoping you'll find something to smile about.  ~The Webmaster 

 Calvin & Hobbes was the Professor's  favorite

Aloha Forever Hawaiian Weddings
Walking around New Zealand

A musical frog
The Snowy River Australian Hat
Maori Net
The "I BE TX T" mystery.
Download a Milano cookie
Hawaiian Aloha Shirts  
Guam USA
Your lei
Flowers for Patricia 
Racquetball Magazine    
Gone fishin'

Freebies from 2 Cows!
2 Cows and a Chicken
The True Computer Addict

A float house in Alaska
Hawaiian Music

His family misses him ...

He left them many memories ...

Patricia, Domenica and Mack
in a field of Texas bluebonnets

Some funny, some serious ...

Domenica, Duane, Patricia, and Mack, caught with those famous smiles!

See http://www.disney.com
But never too serious!


The custom sign-off on Duane's e-mails was:

"Cheers, and

May The Lord Richly Bless You!  I B TX T"

Duane R. Milano, Ph.D., C.M.A., C.C.A., Wandering Racquetball Missionary
Homeless No More!  See:

TX T is in Peggie's Pot o' Pastors
She says he "loved racquetball, basketball, Hawaiian shirts and Australian hats."

The "I BE TX T" mystery!

"What does it mean?"  This question comes again and again to our friend, the professor, and so he has agreed to solve the mystery once and for all. 

"When Patricia and I moved to New Zealand, the Kiwis attached the name Texas Tornado to me.  Of course, I am at a loss to explain why!  :)  This resulted in me usually signing my e-mails with 'This is the Texas Tornado.'  Soon the Kiwis had shortened it to 'This is the TX Tornado.'

"When a year later we moved to Australia, the Aussies usually shortened it to 'TX T.'  You see, out in the Pacific, things move slower and they do not like to spend a lot of time typing.

"Then in 1992 we moved to Guam.  Need I say more?  There, in between typhoons, they (and I) also tried to send e-mail.  Time was at a premium, what with no electricity for weeks on end.  Even at regular (??) times, our power was on for two  hours and off for two.  Try computing with that!  So the 'This is the TX T' again got shortened, this time by me, to 'I B TX T.'

"Now you know the rest of the story!  :)"

 /s/ Duane Milano, the Texas Tornado


Seriously speaking . . . Vietnam - what it was really like.

Is that e-mail you just received 
about a hoax!!!Check it out

A word from our sponsor:
Pastoral couples needed in Alaska!


Former hit counter = 4,606

'Bye, professor, we'll miss you!

Credits: Photos, Milanos; Pooh cartoon, Disney.com; Calvin, kitten, background and other graphics, not known.


A note from the webmaster:

My husband Howard and I first met Duane Milano when both Duane and Sharon Seaton were business faculty members at Southwestern Assemblies of God University in Waxahachie.  Sharon is married to my brother Norman, whom Duane called "Da Accordion Guy."  After Sharon introduced us, Duane (wearing a Hawaiian shirt) immediately began teasing Howard about his goatee.  A few months later someone told me to check out Peggie's Place and I recognized her description of TX T in her Pot o' Pastors (I had forgotten his name), so I sent her an e-mail, which she forwarded to Duane.  This put me on his list - and I got to join the fun.  When I noticed he didn't have a home on the 'web, I asked him why - his answer was that he just taught the stuff, he didn't do it. 

The next time we were in Texas, Norman & Sharon took us to Waxahachie again, and we got to meet the rest of the Milanos, and were treated to Milano Cookies.  Sharon had joined Norman on the business faculty of Dallas County Community College, and Duane was "inheriting" her office, decorating it in a jungle theme.  I had just begun designing web pages and he had been giving me good advice, so I decided to give him a "web office" to decorate!  Thus the IBETXT webpage was born.

Duane had a lot of fun with it, to say the least!  And I had a lot of fun too.  But there was a serious side to TX T as well, and the Vietnam webpage was the result of that.  We sincerely hope that the Vietnam material will continue to reach out and touch men and women who are still undergoing the trauma of those memories.

Marge Marshall


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