I will lift up my eyes to the mountains;
whence shall my help come?
help comes from the LORD,
made heaven and earth.
will not allow your foot to slip;
who keeps you will not slumber.
He who keeps Israel
neither slumber nor sleep.
LORD is your keeper;
LORD is your shade on your right hand.
sun will not smite you by day,
the moon by night.
LORD will protect you from all evil;
will keep your soul.
LORD will guard your going out
your coming in
this time forth and forever.
121 NASB

Twin Lakes in California
Heavenly Father, I need Your mighty assistance as I climb the
mountains you’ve given me. There are
peaks and valleys where I grow and gain
strength, but I rejoice that there are also
meadows, where I can rest. I thank You
for Your plan for my life and for Your
abundant love, mercy and grace. In
Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
in the Mountains" is a daily devotional program
into which the Lord has led me. Its focus
is: More of Jesus, less of me. I
gained inspiration from Joan Cavanaugh’s book by
that name.* She writes, “The uphill road we
travel is especially discouraging and tiring to
the overweight — unless you catch a ride in a
powerful car. The word of God is that
power. Finding what we need and using it
to overcome our very real problem is what this
book is about. God helped me to find the
special vehicle that helped me to the top, and
He told me to share it with you. So hop
in! Welcome to an adventure in

Prince of Wales Island,
own problem is physical, but yours may be
relational. The principles are the
same. Our Lord promises, “My grace is
sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect
in weakness.” 2nd Corinthians 12:9
You can set up your own program,
personalizing it to your own interests. I
enjoy mountain scenery, so that’s why I call mine
Meadows in the Mountains. I also
enjoy pretty pictures, so I put one on each daily
sheet, and one of a mountain each six weeks, when
I record my weight and measurements. [My
sources for “clip art” pictures are magazine ads,
tourist brochures, and purchased stickers.]
Steps to Take
Identify your need, asking God’s
Write out your goals, and how you can know
you are progressing toward them.
Include a Bible study method and a weekly
prayer calendar, because your focus is to grow
spiritually as the Lord helps you become the
overcomer you desire to be.
Be realistic about your goals, recognizing
that what you are doing is making permanent changes
in your life!
If your focus is physical, make it your
goal to improve your health; I base my eating plan
on the food pyramid and not on a “diet,” because
diets and my will-power always come to an end. But
obedience to the Lord and self-discipline is a
life-long thing. There are no short-cuts!
Meadows by Marjorie Seaton Marshall
Meadows by Marjorie Seaton Marshall
Meadows by Marjorie Seaton Marshall

of Jesus, Less of Me, by Joan Cavanaugh,
is available from

Internet Address for this page is www.spaciousskies.me/Meadows.html

This web site is owned, designed, and
maintained by Marjorie Seaton Marshall of Marshall
Consulting. Spacious Skies Web
Designs is a subdivision of Marshall
Consulting. Your business is
Meadows by Marjorie Seaton Marshall