E-mail address: mmarshall@spaciousskies.me
It is with great sadness that I must let you know that Howard Marshall went to his heavenly home on 12/08/12. I'm continuing to leave his Blog online in the hope that you will read all his comments written over the past few years. To read his obituary, please click here. Mrs. Howard W. Marshall Howard would have liked this link about trains - www.openmyeyeslord.net/Train%20Ride.swf. He liked Floyd Cramer's music. |
YouTube Enjoy a delightful visit to a small village in western Alaska. To see a slideshow of some of my paintings, go to www.picturetrail.com/marshallministry. Some of them are for sale. (If the slideshow doesn't work, you can still see the photos, but if you want the slideshow to work, you'll need to download and install the Flash software, available free from www.adobe.com.) |
Marjorie "Marge " Marshall Facebook:
Howard Marshall Memorial Page Updated 05-04-13 To see the current version of this page: www.spaciousskies.me/howard/ |
Howard is an artist, among his other skills. Click here to see some of his paintings. He says he might part with one or two if he's offered enough money. |
God's Word for
Today |
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We've been working on "Home Away From Home" for several years, and have now published it online at www.spaciousskies.me/HospHome/. Marge has made a slideshow with many of the pictures we have. You can see it by clicking here. |
In the small town in Kansas where I grew up there was not a newsboy standing on the corner with his newspapers calling “…hear ye, hear ye, read all about it!” We did have our daily newspaper of 4 pages the locals called the “Dinky Daily.” I never delivered it but my some of my friends did. My brother delivered the newspaper to the businesses around the square. You see, Lyons has the Rice County Courthouse sitting right in the middle of the square and many businesses were on the square facing the courthouse! Now you ask me why this “blog” about announcements? Well, our family keeps growing, with our grandchildren getting married and having their families. These youngsters are called our “great-grandchildren.” Over 9 months ago our grandson and his wife announced they were going to have a baby! To make this very special, this meant our daughter would become a “grandmother”! And Tasso’s daddy a “grandfather” and my wife and me great-grandparents for the 9th time! Life is good! With the Christmas season fast closing in upon us, this a time of acknowledging the very special announcement of our Savior, Jesus, to be born in a city called Bethlehem. Much of that existing world celebrated this announcement; however, the political leadership did not embrace this announcement at all … read it in the Gospel of Luke. “… And all were proceeding to register for the census, everyone to his own city and Joseph also went up from Galilee, from the city of Nazareth, to Judea, to the city of David, which is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and family of David, in order to register, along with Mary, who was engaged to him, and was with child. And it came about that while they were there, the days were completed for her to give birth. And she gave birth to her first-born son; and she wrapped Him in cloths, and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.” Luke 2:2-7 (NASB) With the rejoicing that we did as a family over this newest baby born into our family, and the rejoicing of the Baby Jesus being born, it’s a good time to remember the Bible tells that all Heaven rejoices over one sinner who repents and becomes a child of the Most High God! It is recorded in Matthew 18:13 "And if it turns out that he finds it, truly I say to you, he rejoices over it more than over the ninety-nine which have not gone astray. Thus it is not the will of your Father who is in heaven that one of these little ones perish.” (NASB) So, be known to all who read announcements, I hereby announce the birth of our great-grand-daughter Vasilia Elena Mangubat Voutiritsas, (“Silia”) born October 28, 2012. She resides in Joplin, MO with her parents, Tasso and Micca Voutiritsas! So be thou an example for her to follow. She deserves the best! 11-29-12 |
Biography Howard William Marshall grew up in the center of Kansas, in Rice County and the town of Lyons, attending Grade, Junior, and Senior High schools there. Upon graduation he enlisted in the U.S. Navy, during the Korean War.
He says, "Grandma Moses was 80 years old and still painting, so Howard Marshall, who is over 80, can do likewise." Paintings may be viewed on his Blog at www.spaciousskies.me/howard and on Facebook.
11-15-12 |
Time Usage What does the Bible say about "Time?" And...how does it apply to me? What is "time" to me? How responsible am I for what I do with my "time"? I want to share with you who are reading my blog my comments about time and its affects on me and others. I have an interesting way of keeping track of my day and it is simply the times to take my medications. I have my morning meds for various reasons, around noon another for restless legs. Late afternoon between 4 and 6 another dose for the same reason for the morning ones. That is not all. Before bed time I take more to help my legs to relax. Ok, that governs one aspect of me keeping time. Another element of time is my early mornings are for exploring the scriptures. I am currently working my way through the Bible again and find myself in the Book of 2 Samuel 19 where Joab is reproving David of his lamenting! To keep my days in order, I am following a daily reading guide I check off after reading. Blending into the time element are my doctors’ appointments scattered over Johnson County, and on Tuesday’s I volunteer at Gracious Promise Foundation in Kansas City, Kansas. Ok, now you are wondering where does "church time" fit in? Good question. Due to the physical problems I am having, my driving is limited. Then, distances in walking from sanctuary to education class and the long sitting doesn’t help. Oh, but you say, "...why not ride in a wheel chair?" My ego! So for several Sundays we’ve attended only the Education class taught by Paul McNeil, who by the way is an excellent teacher of a multi-ethnic group of people! Time! 24 hours a day! Everyone has the same amount of time! Check out what the writer of Ecclesiastes, 3:1-12, declares about time.
Now, in closing, do be careful that you DO NOT neglect: (1) Your relationship with your Heavenly Father! Love Him ‘cause He does love you! (2) Your family ties! Husband with wife, wife with husband. Both with your children and your children with you. Be sure and leave "play time" for your kids! Just plain "downtime" for them! (3) Your friends! Keep the "friendship" circle open! Most of us are open to more quality "friendship time"! ‘...IF IT IS TO BE IT IS UP TO ME..." Adapted 13-SEP-12 |
One of my granddaughters stated that on Facebook the other day. This put my mind to thinking about how blest we are to have "things to do." Oh, I know our kids think unless they are being entertained, or going some place, like the mall, to "hang out," life is boring. Well, I found out what "having nothing to do" really means when I made my first trip to the remote bush villages in western Alaska! This lack of activity applied to the adult population as well as the youth and children living there. When the 10-passenger plane landed in Emmonak, Alaska, located near the mouth of the Yukon River at the Bering Sea, it revealed the barrenness of no trees, only willow brush, maybe 6 to 7 feet tall along the river. Erosion of the banks of the Yukon force some of the Eskimos to relocate their home farther back from the water. There are no boat docks so their boats are anchored in the mud along the bank, they then wade to "shore." Oh, I forgot I was writing about being bored. Let me list what there is "not" to do for the kids, the youth, and adults. There were: no movies, no fast food places to eat, no skating rinks or sidewalks to skate on, no concrete or asphalt basketball courts, only wooden ones outside, no playgrounds, no trees to climb in, no swimming pools, no malls to "hang out in"...get the point? They do get to go to school. All grades in one building and they do have a gym for basketball and volley ball. So, basketball and cross country running are the two sports they can participate in. Swimming is limited to late June through mid-August as the river would be too cold to swim in. Kids get involved in berry picking, moose hunting, fish preparation for the winter, cutting and stacking fire wood with their parents and grandparents... Oops, that sounded like "work," didn’t it! (smile) Ok, how do I "spiritualize" this to keep from getting "bored"? "... Whatever your hand finds to do, verily, do it with all your might; for there is no activity or planning or knowledge or wisdom in Sheol where you are going. Ecclesiates. 9:10 (NASB) I guess, kids (youth and adults alike), it is up to us to find something to do to keep from being or getting bored! Suggestions: Mow the grass, water flowers, clean the garage (or your room), help with dinner, load the dishwasher and/or empty the same, call a friend, call your grandparents, read a book and your Bible. How about playing "hop-scotch"; marbles; "hide and seek"; play "tag"; catch "fireflies"; go bike riding with a friend but not alone; put up a "lemonade stand"! Oh, there is more - just look around and find it! Well, are you still bored? Remember the Eskimo people and Native Indians in the bush areas of the great state of Alaska! Put your thinking cap on and think up something to do, today! 07-27-12 |
"Daddy” - It’s Me! Hello, it’s me, feeling somewhat guilty in not writing something for my blog weekly; however, I suppose something sometime is better than never or almost never! Today, nation-wide, is Flag Day! It is also my younger son’s son Branin’s birthday number 26. He was born on Father’s Day 1986 in Hawaii while his dad was serving on a submarine somewhere in the Pacific, I guess, as he was never allowed to share with us where he was or where he was going. We know he was on the other side of the International Dateline, because David was notified of Branin's birth on Father's Day... but it was only Saturday in Honolulu. Reflecting back on Father’s Day and my first son, Larry, was born on Father’s Day, which made it unique and special. This day is celebrated a little less than Mother’s Day and I am not sure why, as you need both to have either Day. To me, this is one of the problems with our society today, trying to eliminate the term “marriage” as well as only the union of a man and a woman. And...one of the solutions for over- populating the world would be for gay couples to never produce a child in their relationship. Problem solved! Ya think so?
What does the Bible say about fathers? Much! "I am writing to you, little children, because your sins are forgiven you for His name's sake. I am writing to you, fathers, because you know Him who has been from the beginning. I am writing to you, young men, because you have overcome the evil one. I have written to you, children, because you know the Father. I have written to you, fathers, because you know Him who has been from the beginning. I have written to you, young men, because you are strong, and the word of God abides in you, and you have overcome the evil one. Do not love the world, nor the things in the world I John 2:12-15 (NASB). "...Daddy, slow down and don’t take such big steps, I can’t keep up!" 6-14-12 |
![]() “On the Sidelines” On the sidelines is where we “think” we can see all of the right things. With NCAA Basketball is well under-way and for some watching many of the games, we become “professionals” at it. However, the people who are calling “the game” see things differently. The two teams I am watching are the Kansas University Jayhawks and the Kansas State Wildcats. In my watching, not only the game being played but the coaches on the sidelines, I wish there was some way their movements and actions could be put to music! And…it has been said that taking ballet dancing lessons would help players in their ability to compete. Please allow me the opportunity of taking this idea of being on the sidelines into the church setting. When we are sitting the pews it is easy to do some “Monday morning” quarterbacking. Then in reverse, the same may be said from the platform to the people in the pew. For several weeks now, neither my wife nor I have been physically able to attend services in our home church and need I say we miss being in service with our friends and to be able to touch those around us, to be part of what is taking place. I might say, there are some television ministries that will build up a “viewer” but there is no personalization in these services. Much like sitting on the sidelines, we are not called upon to become involved, just watch! And…this can be a problem IF we do not reach out to “touch” someone near by. The sideline people may be many or few. In the churches we worked in, in Western Alaska and then 5 years in SE Alaska, the churches were small. But people are the same: we tend to feel “alone or lost” in a mega-church, such as Lakewood Church in Houston, or a small congregation in western Kansas where just a few makes a big difference. Recently our local church, Northland Cathedral, has begun sending us a DVD and bulletin from the Sunday morning worship service. We hear and see the choir and orchestra, and people we know, which helps us feel a part of it. (Note: Pastor Harrup’s sermons can be heard on the Internet at www.northlandcathedral.org/resources/sermons/) I guess what I am saying is … get involved and don’t be just a “sideliner.” Jesus called us to follow Him and He will make us fishers of men. “…And He said to them, "Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men." And they immediately left the nets, and followed Him. And going on from there He saw two other brothers, James the son of Zebedee, and John his brother, in the boat with Zebedee their father, mending their nets; and He called them. And they immediately left the boat and their father, and followed Him (Matthew 4:19-22 NASB). Which will you be, a “sideliner” (spectator) or a (participant) a “follower”? 01-20-12 |
2011 Comments Below
Now let me rewind the memory tape to the year 1951. In San Diego, one of the places a serviceman could go to was the USO, or the YMCA, or maybe a church-related outreach for these young people with no place to call home or to go to for turkey dinner. Possibly you have heard me or my wife talk about the Mother Layne’s Hospitality Home for Servicemen and IF you have you will recall it was a place where we could be “at home.” In southern California the beach was always a welcome place to go. Rev. and Mrs. Rattan (Mom and Dad Rattan to all of us who did find it a “home away from home”), along with adult folks from neighboring churches brought food and games to play on the beach. What has this have to do with Thanksgiving Day? Well, for some reason I decided I didn’t want to go with the “gang” and stayed at “home.” In the Rumpus Room there was a phonograph and many records to listen to. Dinner? I made my way to the kitchen to make myself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Thus my Thanksgiving Dinner! There were two other sailors who didn’t go to the beach but decided to spend time in prayer in the prayer room in the basement, Donald Baker and Delbert Hall. One of them came up and invited me to join them in prayer. I didn’t think it would hurt me to pray a little. To make a long story short, my Pentecostal experience happened that afternoon! (See Act 2:38,39.) So in remembering to give thanks, this came to my mind. My prayer is that all of us will possess “…an attitude of thanksgiving!” Amen? Amen! Folks, that was a long time ago… 60 years! The old hymn comes to my mind… “The Old Account Was Settled Long Ago.” You don’t have to wait until the 4th Thursday in November to give thanks. Just think “What would we do without our church family, our immediate family, and friends?”
23-Nov-11 |
Loved or Abused?
If we preachers are not careful, we can become very “rote” in our services, in our preaching, in our working with people. One of the things Marge and I learned in working with the Southeast Alaska Native Americans was that we did not try to hurry them in their conversation … like most of us do nowadays … we try and finish what people are saying without listening to what they are saying. I am following a devotional guide, “Truths to Believe, All You Need to grow.” This week I came to Jesus and His relationship with His sheep, so my question at this point is: “How well do we KNOW our sheep?” (The people in the pew.) Our example of course is Jesus. (John 10:14-16 and 10:27-29) An Old Testament example would be how the children of Israel complained so quickly about the supply of quail and manna. Morning, Noon and Night same ol', same ol'! One of the things I tried to do was review the sermons I'd preached over the past year looking for balance. Rarely do we hear messages on the Second Coming of Jesus, or The Lasting Effects of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. (Someone once asked ‘why do we need to be filled with the Holy Spirit?' Answer? Because we "leak"!) As preachers, we tend to use the conditions of our present day and “pound” our people (sheep) almost to death while not producing “Hope”; “Excitement”; “Joy in Serving”; “Encouragement” or “Atta Boys” or “Warm Fuzzies.” Am I getting the point across to all who do faithfully attend our services … are they hearing sermons that will create a “want-to-attitude” about bringing the “other sheep” (John 10:16) into our churches? Dr. Phil (on TV) says: “…the best predictor of the future is the history of the past.” And Dr. Oz (also on TV) wants us to "eat better to feel and be better health-wise.” So let’s keep the “fodder” fresh, the water tank full, the stalls cleaned out. One more thing I heard a long time ago, "You can shear a sheep many times to produce a crop of wool…but you can only bleed (kill) a sheep once!" 'Nuff said? Example: Last spring I attended another kind of church for their worship service. As people were leaving I told my friend, "I'm not going in there again, the people coming out are not smiling." I was kidding, but there was more truth than fiction in the experience! Remember it is the Holy Spirit that brings conviction and washes away guilt. Not we the preacher! (Note from the editor, the preacher's wife: I think the above might also apply to Sunday School teachers.) 26-Oct-11 |
My friends, there are times when it is hard to remember what happened just 10 minutes ago! Most people fit into that category sometime in their lives. It seems the older I get the more my “friendships” shrink, and more of them are now in the cemetery waiting for their resurrection and coming forth from the grave! Wow, what a friendly way to begin some comments, now is called a blog! LOL I remember when I was a kid growing up in the middle of Kansas, attending public schools there and living there until I enlisted in the U.S. Navy immediately after the United States got into another conflict, which we know as the Korean Conflict rather than a war. To me they were the same…people enlisted, went through “boot camp”; assigned duty aboard a ship headed for Korea! And…I remember the adjustment from being a kid out of high school and being a recruit for Uncle Sam! It took effort on my part to enlist. I hitched hiked to Salina, Kansas, 70 miles from Lyons, signed up and hiked back home. And I had to convince my oldest sister, as she didn’t believe I had done that, but three weeks later I was on a train headed to Kansas City! Now let me fast forward about 60 years. My memory takes me to places like to the Arctic Circle to the village of Kotzebue. Memories include flying to Anchorage, Emmonak, and Southeast Alaska, where we lived for 5 years, plus two summers. There are other memories, like the native foods…limited however, because some of it didn't look appetizing to me (grin). When we get “saved,” “converted,” “born-again,” new memories should be developing. Among them would be leading someone to the Lord. I wish I had space to share about a 6-yearold leading a classmate to Jesus! Or the Eskimo lady who got saved just before I left Emmo! Or like an old gentlemen in Concordia, Kansas who reluctantly surrendered his life to Jesus! About some of the leaders in our church now, who got saved in Kidsville children’s church! Wow, what memories! When I opened my heart to Jesus as a new sailor in San Diego, ”Jesus said, “Come unto me….”I did! God’s word tells us to “...call upon Him and He will answer…. " I did! Then truly believe that “God so loved the world (you) that He gave His one and only Son (Jesus) that whoever believes in Him shall be saved! I was!!! (John 3:16) REMEMBERING MEMORIES IS FUN…BUT MAKING THEM IS SURE MORE FUN! 6-OCT-11 |
We tell children to repeat after us “Pete and Repeat sat on a fence, Pete fell off, who is left? Pete and Repeat sat on a fence, Repeat fell off, who is left? And…about this time kids begin to catch on. Here is another one. “Railroad crossing look out for the cars, can you spell that without any R’s?” My dad worked for the Frisco Railroad, as a section hand. As a kid, I remember seeing Dad, along with 5 or 6 other men, riding on what was called a “motor car,” pulling an equipment car. Among their tools was a bar called a “spacing bar." Purpose? They used it to keep the rails evenly spaced as they worked, and then another section gang would take up the job where the crew my dad worked on had ended. Today, this is all done by computerized machinery. Dumping the “chat” (gravel rock); installing the “ties”; putting down the rail system; driving the rail spikes. The thousands of miles of railroad system that crisscrosses our country is accomplished by never giving up, repeating the procedures over and over to complete the job! Equate this with what is found in Isaiah 28:9-13 – fascinating! Sorta lays out the plan for memorizing scripture! "To whom would He teach knowledge? And to whom would He interpret the message? Those just weaned from milk? Those just taken from the breast? "For He says, `Order on order, order on order, Line on line, line on line, A little here, a little there.'" Indeed, He will speak to this people Through stammering lips and a foreign tongue, He who said to them, "Here is rest, give rest to the weary," And, "Here is repose," but they would not listen. So the word of the LORD to them will be, "Order on order, order on order, Line on line, line on line, A little here, a little there," (Isaiah 28:9-13 NASB)
Ok, I am not Winston Churchill but I can still say... NEVER GIVE UP, NEVER GIVE UP, NEVER GIVE UP FOLLOWING JESUS! 8Sep11 |
IS THERE PEANUT BUTTER IN HEAVEN? Marjorie and I had spend several summers in SE Alaska and one in Western Alaska before assuming the pastorate of Prince of Peace Assembly of God in Klawock. It was in our early days of ministering in Alaska when the Kansas District published a short story about our “retirement” years ministering in Alaska and then Springfield picked up on it as well. Jim read it and traced us down with questions. When I realized that Jim was serious about coming to Alaska, I directed him to our district superintendent for more information. He did and the rest is history. To answer my own question from Jim in heaven, he would say, “…come on home, Pastor Howard, there is peanut butter for pancakes, for waffles, for topping on ice cream, and frosting on cake, and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, and peanut butter cookies, and would you believe, Jesus is serving them as well? I am told when He fed the 5,000 it was peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Oh, and the 4,000 had graham crackers and peanut butter covered with chocolate." My friends Jim and Nancy Mercer were a special couple. Now, Lord, take care of these dear friends of ours. A promising verse comes to my mind… ”… but just as it is written, "THINGS which eye has not seen and ear has not heard, AND which HAVE not entered the heart of man, ALL THAT GOD HAS PREPARED FOR THOSE WHO LOVE HIM." (Now doesn’t that include Peanut Butter?)
Jim, buddy (I mean Peanut Butter Man), I am going to miss you and be sure and have the PB ready when we get there!
Wednesday, June 1, 2011 |
By Carl Seaton, Guest Blogger May 9, 2011 I
attended Howard's 80th birthday party yesterday. I found
myself wishing that I had planned a little differently for this time in
my life. Howard, my close friend since we were class mates in
the third grade, and myself, to a large degree a spectator in
the grandstand of Howard's life. Let me share! |
B the Best U Can B! The Apostle Paul wrote about this issue of making an effort to stay fit, keep on trying and never giving up. “Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but only one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may win. And everyone who competes in the games exercises self-control in all things. They then do it to receive a perishable wreath, but we an imperishable. Therefore I run in such a way, as not without aim; I box in such a way, as not beating the air; but I buffet my body and make it my slave, lest possibly, after I have preached to others, I myself should be disqualified” (I Corinthians 9:24-27 NASB). Well, it has been about 10 days since I started this thought about winning and being the best we can be. The Final Four now has been played and a team surfaced as the “best” in the NCAA. If you followed “your” team and if it wasn’t the University of Connecticut, then your team went home, including KU! Just think of all the coaches, schools, and teams who thought they would be in that team to win it all but they didn’t. One more thing, these teams did not go home to quit, but to start to work on next year to be the best they can be. “Brethren, I do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet; but one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Let us therefore, as many as are perfect, have this attitude; and if in anything you have a different attitude, God will reveal that also to you; however, let us keep living by that same standard to which we have attained” Philippians 3:13-16 NASB. Folks, we are in this race for keeps, not for quitting, or slacking off but to keep our focus of the prize, which is the “upward call of God in Christ Jesus”! Sprinters in track are told to never look back as it will impede their finish time. In basketball, follow through on your shot. In football keep your eye on the ball, the same in golf! Jesus IS coming back and let there be, as the old hymn says, “…nothing between my soul and my Savior!” MAKE YOUR GOAL… BE THE BEST YOU CAN BE 7-APR-11 |
It is interesting to hear people say “…I’ll pray for you…”; “..I’ll pray…” for many situations we may face. Over the years when I have faced surgery, I have told the surgeon, "When you cut on my body I want to pray for you" and I have. Such as: before cataract surgeries on my eyes when we lived in Alaska; before knee replacement in 2006; before basal skin surgery and most recently when my doctor implanted a pacemaker. Almost everytime I had a group around me to pray. It startles the doctors to have someone pray for them and the assistants. And…I believe “IT” (prayer) works. The next morning after my pacemaker was installed, the Doc seemed to stand at the end of the bed, not sure he wanted to get any closer (probably not the case but that was what I perceived). When Jesus instructed us to pray it was “When” not “if.” The instructions are simple in this verse in Matthew. "And all things you ask in prayer, believing, you shall receive." (Matthew 21:22) NASB This has been true in my experience for many years. When I was 15 years old at an “ole” fashioned Camp Meeting in Hutchinson, Kansas was one of the first times that I knew prayer worked. Yep, there was a saw dust trail under a tent, just like the “olden days” (smile) Thank you to all who prayed for me a few weeks ago when the new pacemaker was installed. It is working at the rate of 60 beats a minute, and I no longer have the constant fatigue, shortness of breath. Now I'm anxious to “get to mow” grass this summer! So, just KNOW that all things that you ask in PRAYER work, when asked in the wonderful name of Jesus! YA BELIEVE IT? YOU HAD BETTER…’CAUSE PRAYER WORKS! 7-Mar-11 |
Growing as a Believer Recently in our Education class (Sunday School) we were discussing “growing as Christians” during our studies in the Book of Job. Passing on a thought about the idea of the growing process, I likened our growing process like taking a flower or a tree and keep changing its locations and wonder why it is not growing. We have heard the phrase for a long time “if you want to grow, stay planted.” I flipped to the book of Ist John and read to myself the verses related to being “in Christ” and “to know” Him. And as for you, the anointing which you received from Him abides in you, and you have no need for anyone to teach you; but as His anointing teaches you about all things, and is true and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, you abide in Him. And now, little children, abide in Him, so that when He appears, we may have confidence and not shrink away from Him in shame at His coming. If you know that He is righteous, you know that everyone also who practices righteousness is born of Him. (1 John 2:27-29 NASB) In my mind I pictured images of two trees. One is a Bonsai Tree and the other a Mustard Tree. The Bonsai is alive but is designed not to grow, whereas the Mustard Tree is from a very small seed yet grows into a large tree. These are two very different trees. I believe there are many Believers who are much like the very small decorative tree, alive but not growing! Some call them stunted in their Christian experience. During our time in Southeast Alaska we lived in the Tongass Forest. These are very evergreen tall straight trees. In 1999 when we moved up there, I visited one of our local Kansas City hardware stores and they were closing out on potted trees. I bargained with the sales person and bought 6 maple trees for the price of 4. On the property where we built the new parsonage I planted 4 of them and one of my deacons bought two. Hopefully they are still growing, though not typically grown there. Again as long as these trees stay planted they should grow. The scripture I refer to simply tells us to avoid the things of the world and I will not go into what is considered “worldly” -- the Holy Spirit is capable of letting you know. And this idea of staying planted is suggested by “abiding in HIM.” You and I will never be successful in our walk “with Him” without “abiding” in Him. In St. John 15, we are taught about the vine and the branches. Just stay connected with Jesus and you will be successful in your life as a Believer! A BONASI OR A MUSTARD TREE, WHICH ONE ARE YOU? 10.Feb.11 |
One of the greatest joys I have is watching my grand-children and now great-grand-children grow. I’ve said I want to live long enough to see my great-grand-children get married and have their children. I don’t think that’s too “far-out” is it? Remember Abraham and Sarah? I guess you might say things are somewhat different and the purpose much different. However, it is something that is one of my desires. Jesus is the One who has told us how children should be treated; however, in our society the tendency is to put the children where they will not bother “us.” Perhaps in a quiet place, or a place just for them. Like so many have “children’s church.” A number of years ago, I pastored in a community of about 450 people. There were very few children in the church - two of them were the pastor’s children. A church void of children worshipping in it limits the learning opportunities for how to worship with Mom and Dad, to see them sing, to give their offerings, to see people kneeling at the altar. Another thought about children and in relationship with mommy and daddy: our churches are able to keep us so busy doing “things,” that will involve being at the church almost every night, which many have been guilty of doing in past years. I know we are told as parents we must spend quality time with our children and with our spouse. It’s not the church’s problem… it’s up to the parents to manage the scheduling. Recently I was reflecting on my 3 children and do you know the memories of them during the infant years, toddler, elementary, junior and high school years are almost blanked out. “Why?” you may ask. I am glad you did. In the beginning of my ministry years ago, and being pastor of extremely small congregations in small communities, I worked to support my family. There were no weekend activities, except church. There were very limited workers in the church so my wife along with me did multiple jobs. Complaining? Not on your life, I praise the Lord for His continued faithfulness and He is graciously ministering to our three children and their families. What I am suggesting to you who read this is be sure you spend quality time with your family. Just don’t let spending church time or your job “rob” you of the memories of your children, because they do grow up so fast. Keep vivid pictures in your minds of each of them, be involved in their activities, and be available for them and your husband/wife. Now back to what Jesus did. Read it with me “…Then some children were brought to Him so that He might lay His hands on them and pray; and the disciples rebuked them. But Jesus said, "Let the children alone, and do not hinder them from coming to Me; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." And after laying His hands on them, He departed from there. (Matthew 19:13-15 NASB. Children are like “puppies, kittens, and baby chickens” - all need to be CARED for and must be LOVED! I took the liberty of updating the words to an old chorus: Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world - from the east unto the west, to the north and to the south - Jesus loves the little children of the world. 01-11-11 |
Read about Alaska in Ken Horn's blog, "Snapshots." Ken is the editor of Today's Pentecostal Evangel. (Ken mentions Howard.) |
Click here to watch a video of Ray Boltz singing "Thank You" to Billy & Ruth Graham on YouTube.com. |
Scripture taken from
the NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE, ©1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972,
1973, 1975, 1977, by The Lockman Foundation. Some scriptures are from the King James Version (KJV). |
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This web site is owned, designed, and maintained by Marjorie Marshall of Marshall Consulting. Spacious Skies Web Designs is a subdivision of Marshall Consulting. Your business is appreciated! |
Credits: Photos, Howard & Marge Marshall, unless otherwise noted. Some graphics by Microsoft Clipart. Some of the other graphics are from www.bellsnwhistles.com. |