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W. Marshall |
you have any idea how long 50 years really is? It was exactly 50
years ago today that my soon-to-be wife and I were to be married at 7:00 PM,
in the extreme heat of Kansas. The temperature in the Church of the Nazarene
was nearing 110 degrees (I'm sure!) with no air-conditioning and the church
2/3 full with family and friends. I had purchased a new suit (gray
flannel), a long-sleeved white shirt and a dark red tie. Marge wore a
borrowed white satin gown. Our candles melted, or you could say
"even the candles bowed in obeisance"!
This is our 4th wedding anniversary with you folks. You may never again have another pastor who will celebrate 50 years of marriage! You have blessed us in so many ways and it is an honor to have you worship with us, fellowship over a delicious meal and later this afternoon, joining us for our reception. Marge and I want to thank you! What does the Bible say about marriage? "...for this cause a man shall leave his father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh. ... Consequently they are no longer two, but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let no man separate." Matthew 19:5-6 NASB. ~23-Jun-02 |
One day I walked into the school and saw one of
our deacons on his knees playing marbles with some of the students...or
maybe he was just judging them. What surprised me was that many of
the students didn't know how to "shoot" marbles! Maybe
it is time someone does like this deacon and shows today's kids how to
do some of the old-fashioned things kids used to do, like Jacks,
Hop-scotch, Jump Rope, Mumble Peg, Leap Frog, and Kick the Can!
When I was a kid in Lyons, KS, on the last day of school we'd have an all-day picnic in the park. We played games all afternoon, and when we went home we took all our schoolbooks and papers home with us. It was fun to chant, "School's out, school's out, teacher let the mules out!" We didn't think about it then, but that's probably what the teachers were also thinking! And all the parents thought, "Oh, my!" Here's something for all of us to think about in our relationship with children.
incredible! Have you ever heard that expression about an experience,
or a product and even a person? Now I want us to think about the
credibility of that experience, or that product and that person. Is it
believable? Which leads me to challenge each of you to be credible or
believable in whatever you do.
As a Christian and a believer of the Gospel, it is most incredible that God would even call us as sinners, let alone save us. Throughout the scriptures we are able to find so many examples that seem so incredible or unbelievable that it takes faith to accept what God gives us in His precious Word. Such as the Creation! The Flood! The Whale story! The Fiery Furnace! What about the story about Giant and the teenager who killed him? And then...the birth of a Baby in a manger, the cross, the empty tomb. You see, the accounts in the Bible that seem unbelievable but are true - we know it because of the credibility of our Heaven Father. Consider this incredible fact that God, in His sovereignty, allowed this church to be established on Prince of Wales Island and in Klawock 20 years ago! John 3:16 comes into play here because God is not willing that anyone perish, but His will is that all would come to repentance. This is why God used a laboring man, Stan Snider, to be used in bringing this message to POW! That is incredible. Will we be that man or woman God will use to carry this Gospel message to our neighbor? We ARE to be a lighthouse of hope and love to all we come in contact with! "GOD
SO LOVED" ... DO WE? ~11-Nov-01 |
I was a kid, growing up in the middle Kansas in the middle of the United
States, there were no worries like the kids have today. At least prior to WWII. About all we had to worry about was just making it from day
to day and not running to a Mexican sandburr (sticker) patch barefooted,
'cause that would stop ya dead in yer tracks!
The Depression was a little over 10 years old and
there was not too much of anything around.
Those were the days before the television and kids didn't have their own
cars. The steam locomotive, puffing
black smoke and hissing out steam was about the most exciting thing in
Lyons every day. I walked a paper route for 2 weeks to get my first
pay to buy a used bicycle ($2.00, I think).
Ate pancakes for 15 cents at a little café on the north side of the
square every Sunday morning after folding my papers and before heading out on my
route. Yeh, those were the days. You see, the most constant thing around us is
"change." The kids of today have seen major changes in their
short lifetimes. The most recent being the terrorist attack on our country,
changing it from a relatively peaceful country to one that is filled with
fear. Fear of what will happen
next. The Bible tells us "…and
when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your
heads; for your redemption draweth nigh" Luke
21:28 (KJV)
because Jesus is coming back. Another
verse to help during these changing times is "…There
is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves
punishment, and the one who fears is not perfected in love. We love, because He
first loved us."
I John 4:18-19
(NASB) So,
remember GOD IS IN CONTROL and HE
IS LOVE! ~~30-Sep-01 |
don't mind if I share some of my memories of our wedding day on
June 23, 1952, do you? I didn't think
so. (smile)
might call it "young love" -- Marge 17 and me 20 when I asked her to marry
me. I was in the Navy
arriving back in San Diego, I visited a jewelry store, bought rings and
mailed her engagement ring to her.
a few months, I called her in early June and asked how soon she could marry
me as I was getting ready to go on leave again.
hitchhiked from San Diego to Lyons, Kansas in less than 48 hours and ten
days later we were married on a Monday night.
Friday we left on the train.
By then,
I was 21 and Marge 18. Folks,
that all took place 49 years ago!
Wow! Proverbs
18:22 says "...He who finds a wife finds a good thing, and obtains favor
from the LORD." And...my spiritual
dad, Irvin Rattan, would finish it by saying, "...but who wants a thing?"
do!) Marge,
before the Lord and this congregation, I want you to know and them to know,
"I love you and I’m glad you are mine!"
~24-Jun-01 |
Day memories! My
dad (John William Marshall) was a very small guy, about 130 pounds soaking
wet and 5'7" tall, and still had more hair than I have when he died at
worked for the Frisco Railroad Company for almost 35 years and then served
as a crossing guard at the grade school which my sisters and brother and
I attended.
Dad was a very friendly and folks who knew him called him "Johnny." He always had his "chickens," helped Mom with the garden, as a "sharp shooter" he would hunt squirrels, trap for skunks in the winter and fished the creeks around Lyons, Kansas. I am glad God made Dads. Allow me to adapt some lines from a poem whose author is unknown.
~17-Jun-01 |
Mother's Day memories! Today is a day when
memories surface concerning our mothers, our moms and grandmas. Among
these memories may be those that are not so pleasant, but for today, focus
upon the good ones, ok?
I can remember my mom (Pearl Ann Sutton Marshall) with the switch she used frequently, and still hear her calling my brother and me from the back step when it was time to come home. And ... I can still remember her working in the garden in the cool of the evening, hoeing the weeds or watering or just walking through it to look at the progress of the peas or the strawberries and her flowers. Wow, it seems like only yesterday. And then the times when she would ask Marge and me if we ever bought the kids pop. Our kids looked forward to going to see Grandma & Grandpa Marshall so they could have 12 full ounces of Pepsi in the bottle, not a can. Mom would also get on us for not letting the babies stay babies, because we would put a necktie on Larry to make him look "grown up." You know, I suppose she was right. Mom loved the Lord and read her Bible faithfully and made sure we kids were in Sunday School. I can still see the "polished" shoes lined up Saturday night and ready for Sunday - of course, this was after the Saturday night bath. Mothers, we honor you today! After all, this is one of the 10 Commandments: Honor you father and your mother, that your days may be prolonged in the land with the Lord your God gives you. Exodus 20:12 Ladies, you are each special and The World's Number One Mother, OK?!! ~13-May-01 |
This past week Marge and I spent a day with Lawana
McGuffey and children (Clint was in Anchorage). You may have heard
that 7-year-old Ezra had a dream come true. He wanted "a playground
with a roof" and last Saturday, about 60 Make-A-Wish volunteers showed
up to assemble the outdoor gym set. It is neat! Looks like
a tree house.
Delight yourself in the LORD; and He will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the LORD, trust also in Him, and He will do it. And He will bring forth your righteousness as the light, and your judgment as the noonday. Rest in the LORD and wait patiently for Him. Psalm 37:4-7. (Underlining mine.) For our dreams to come true we need to delight, commit, trust, rest and wait as instructed in the above verses. Through a team effort, many people and businesses made "it" happen. Heavy equipment and drivers were all donated. Excavating done, base rock leveled out and covered with cedar chips -- and food to feed the entire crew, all donated because a little boy dared to dream. I am not only dreaming but praying for a mighty Holy Ghost Easter Resurrection Revival next weekend. It will happen IF we will pray and work. God is still on the Throne -- believe it! ~8-Apr-01 |
wonder what efforts it takes for us to get to church for any given
service. Marge
and I remember the struggles we had in "getting ready," when our children
were small. Finding
their "good shoes" and socks that match; their breakfast; bath time; and
even getting to the car without getting into the mud.
has mud, you know! In
other words, it took a cooperative effort on our part to get everything
together and make it on time! Whew!
makes me tired just remembering those days.
week I was reading the account of Zacchaeus, the tax collector, and the
things he had to overcome to see Jesus.
was a "shorty," he was rich, he was the chief tax-gatherer, he had the
crowd to contend with, so according to the scripture he ran ahead and climbed
a tree to see Jesus. And
when Jesus came to the place, He looked up and said to Zacchaeus, hurry
and come down, for today I must stay at your house. And he hurried and
came down, and received Him gladly. And Zacchaeus stopped and said to the
Lord, "Behold, Lord, all of my possessions I will give to the poor, and
if I have defrauded anyone of anything, I will give back four times as much. And
Jesus said to him, "Today
salvation has come to this
house." (Luke In
other words, it took effort on his part to make it to Jesus.
the results were wonderful!
was changed, and the changed affected others as well.
is my prayer for each of you, that as you make an effort to be in our Father's
House, you will feel it is worth whatever it takes to get here! ~11-Mar-01 Enter
to Worship - Leave to Serve! |
How do you feel when you think things are out of
control? Helpless? Hopeless? Generally speaking, when
we get into situations where we experience this feeling, we should reach
out to those we feel may be able to help us.
Eating disorders can be a reaction when someone's life is out of control. Trying to stop a skidding vehicle on "black ice" or a dry road is almost impossible and no one is there to help. I have been there. Scary. What about a fire that is burning out of control? All we can do is stand and watch as trained people do their job. Years ago, we were awakened early one morning by the postmaster, on his way to work, yelling for anyone in the house to get out. The parsonage was on fire! We certainly were not in control! I offer God's Word as our source of help whenever we're in circumstances where no one can help by Him. Our world is "out of control" when some have the idea they can clone a human being. However, when we really believe that God knows what is happening, we can with confidence rely on Him to "take control"! But we have to take our hands off the wheel and allow Him to do it. Some of His instruction comes in Matthew 6:33-34: ...Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added to you. Therefore do not be anxious for tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Now, who is in control of you life? Jesus or you? ~02/25/01 |
"Isn't the love of Jesus something wonderful!" are
words from a chorus Marge and I (and many others) used to sing years ago.
Do you know what? His love is wonderful!
Love is many a splendid thing and hearts will throb this week a lovers give Valentines to the one they love. Some will be paper, some cookies, some cakes, and others chocolates or little candy hearts bearing messages of love. It may even be a frilly, sentimental card. In the Bible (John 3:16) the greatest love story ever written. For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life. I was recently called on to counsel a young man from another community; he felt there was no reason for living and that no one cared about him. I assured him that God loves him and cares about him, using 1 Peter 5:7, ...casting all your anxiety upon Him, because He cares for you. The young man is acquainted with a pastor in his community, so I phoned the pastor the next morning, urging him to contact the young man who is so desperately seeking someone to love him. You may not have decorated a shoe box for the Valentines you hope to receive, but God has provided you with a better resource for love: His Word! ~02/11/01 |
Blessed are those who
hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.
Matthew 5:6.
This verse sure sent me on a scripture hunt! I knew it was in the Bible, but I just couldn't find it by searching through my Thompson Chain Reference Bible. But then I got into the new NIV Study Bible Library you folks gave me for Christmas and stayed with it until I found the right scripture by using "word search." Hey, this ol' dog is still learning this computer stuff! Why was I looking for this particular verse? 'Cause IF you think you will be hungry, you'll want to be at our potluck dinner Wednesday evening, prior to our annual business meeting. As you prepare your food, think about the calorie count and let's go easy on the heavy foods, so we can think clearly! As Jesus preached on the mountain, He spoke about the spiritual desires of being hungry and thirsty after righteousness, and He assured them that they'd be filled. Make it your prayer that your spiritual desires will result in being filled with His righteousness! ~02/04/01 |
Have you given any thought to all the changes that
have taken place since you "let" Jesus come into your heart? If you
have not, then take a few minutes and think about what your life used to
be, before Jesus.
When it comes to remodeling - and there are some people who are extremely good at it - they can remodel almost anything. Some time back, our friends would move into a parsonage, and in just a matter of a few short months they would have made many changes. They were and are still good at it. Jesus comes into lives that welcome Him. Therefore if any man is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come. 2 Corinthians 5:17. We still live in the same "building," but the Lord made some changes, adjustment, took away the old things and added new things. For some, the "remodeling" was a bigger project than others. For example, Saul became the Apostle Paul as a result of his meeting Jesus. As a congregation, we recognize there may be areas that need some "remodeling," and we know the Master Construction Worker is well-qualified to make any and all the changes necessary for us to become the church body He wants us to be. ~01/28/01 |
Scripture taken from
the NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE, ©1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972,
1973, 1975, 1977, by The Lockman Foundation. Some scriptures are from the King James Version (KJV). |
Marge Marshall, webmaster Credits: Cedar background, Microsoft. Photos, Clint & Lawana McGuffey; Howard & Marge Marshall. |