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you hear me now?” is a portion of a (sometimes annoying)
commercial we see on TV. Our
reaction to this advertisement can result in a number of ways.
Such as hurry out and buy one of those fancy hand-held phones
that serve as a camera as well. Or you may wonder where people get all their money to buy
these toys.
parents, I know there were times or there are times when we wonder if
our children are even listening” to what is being said. Teachers have the same problem when they are in front of
their students. Pastors
have the same concerns when ministering the Word.
Are people really listening to what is being said?
me repeat one of the phrases I used sometime back “…your actions
speak louder than words.” Or
to put it another way… “what you do speaks so loud I cannot hear
what you are saying.” My
prayer is that as we endeavor to reach out to our community with these
“soup and sandwich” lunches, we will be speaking so loud to our
neighbors that they will “listen” to what we are trying to say.
Back to the telephone, I remember the “party
line” and the operator who would ask, “number please” even
before dial phones. I
don’t remember our number but it was only 3 digits long.
Ok, so you tell me, “Pastor you are old” if you can
remember that. I guess
so. But…do you know
God’s telephone number? Jeremiah
33:3. Open your Bible and
read it and ask God, “…can you hear me
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I remember reading a quote that
went something like this “…IF
at first you don’t succeed, you’re running about average.”
From my experience and the experience of others I would
say that quote is probably true.
Wouldn’t you?
In our society we measure success
by many things. Like…do
you have a one-car, two-car or a three-car garage? Do you have a
membership at the “country club”? Here in Alaska maybe it is
how many boats do you have sitting around? Or how many
“stuffed” animals do you have hanging around?
What does it mean to “run
average”? Oh, we are just an average family…what do we mean
by that? We are just an “average church” and we are measured
by how many people we have in church, or how many cars we have
parked around our church. Not!
You remember when the children of
Israel wanted a king and they started looking for a “common”
man but the Lord had other plans. He said to Samuel: “…Do not look at his appearance or at the height of his stature, because I
have rejected him; for God sees not as man sees, for man
looks at the outward
but the LORD looks at the heart."
(I Samuel 16:7)
In other words, their next king was not going to be the
“average” man they would choose.
is using people on POW Island to reach people.
For our church to be all that God desires it to be, we
have to be willing to see what God sees and then pursue
“that,” whatever “that” may be.
As your pastor, I want you to be encouraged in your walk
with the Lord, realizing that “…without Him nothing will be
done of eternal value!”
difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little
extra.” (Ecclesiastes
God’s Little Instruction Book.
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am so glad I am a part of the
family of God!
There is no other institution on earth like it!
Wherever Marge and I have lived, whether pastoring or not, the
church has always been an important element of our lives.
And…living here in Klawock is no different…we appreciate so
much every one of you! You
are our extended family.
the message Sunday morning I mentioned a number of things about the
family. There is one area I did not cover and would have if I'd
thought about it. Then in
the evening I talked about making “Choices” and the importance of
making the right choice, just as Joshua did when he said “…but
as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”
(Joshua 24:15)
I would like to add is for us to think about the effort we put into
getting involved in activities outside of the church.
Extra-curricular activities take up a lot of our time, and I know
for public school teachers it seems there is no end to the extra time
you give. How do I
know? I’ve been there and done that!
we lived in Kansas and in Ohio when our children were young, though we
were not teachers, the activities for Larry and Janet were many, and we
wanted to be as involved as possible; the same with David as he grew
up. So, as your pastor, I want to encourage you to also
keep your youngsters involved with the church as much as possible, since
we have only a few hours a week to work with them.
you for having your young people in your homes and in our youth
services, and…be looking for a change in the “time table.”
Our youth leaders, Brian
& Donna, and I have been talking about the youth and the Sunday Nite
Alive services. Suggestion:
Youth at 5:00 and the evening service 6:00.
I believe this is workable. WHAT DO YA THINK?
“What counts is not the number of hours you put
in, but how much you put in the hours.”
9:10a) --
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with me about what I am calling our Heavenly Father, the “God
of the Drastic!”
I have been reading in the Old
Testament and particularly in the Book of Numbers about Moses and Aaron
dealing with a multitude of people who were constantly complaining about
one thing or another. Early
in their wilderness experience, the people complained to Moses about the
lack of food and water, and then when food came, in the form of manna
and quail, they complained while meat was still stuck in their teeth (11:33),
then for water, and the Lord provided it from a rock.
Moses was to simply speak to the rock but instead he struck it
twice, yet the Lord honored his faith and water came forth. What
about when the earth opened up and swallowed some of them up, their
houses and all they had? Drastic? Yep! But…this all
happened simply because people were not obedient to the Lord.
And…you do remember when Caleb and Joshua were sent out with 10
other men to spy out the land…and eight of them felt like they were
grasshoppers, even after acknowledging all the good in the land
flowing with milk and honey, with clusters
of grapes so large they had to be carried between two men on a pole.
want to ask you this morning, how many of you would classify yourself as
one of the “complainers”? Most likely a 100% of us would join that
group. It’s not difficult
to find something to complain about.
Based on the laws of the land and the inability to comply with
all of them, we might find out that our lives, in this age of Grace, is
quite satisfying.
God you and I serve is well able to care for us, regardless how drastic
the situation. To us it may
seem so impossible but not with God?
In the words of an old song, “…Nothing
is impossible when you put your trust in God!”
Sunday Brian Templin ministered from the Book of Micah about some
“rules” in the Old Testament. He helped us realize there will be guidelines,
boundaries and limits in life that we call “rules.”
my Bible reading I am in the book of Exodus.
Talk about rules, start reading around chapter 20, 21, and 22 and
discover there are many regulations that simply begin with “if.”
If I had only done…if I had only started earlier…if I
hadn’t eaten that last piece of cake or pie or donut…I would have
felt much better and slept better!
I pastored in Kansas City at Oak Cliff Assembly, we had a daycare
facility for up to 20 children. Ms.
Mary was one of our teachers and one day little 4-year-old Jeremy was
playing, and Ms. Mary was talking about the rules and he looked up at
her and asked, “…How many rules do we have in this place anyhow?”
question, huh? All of us are governed by rules.
Some we don’t mind following but others we just don’t like!
Me being from Kansas and not familiar with all the laws relating
to fishing, hunting, boating and the like, I know we must have them.
If we didn’t enforce them, there would be many abuses.
to the Word Brian shared, we are (1) to do justly, (2)
to love mercy and (3) to walk humbly. (Micah
6:8) These are important
guidelines. IF we will
apply them to our daily living they will solve and resolve many issues
we face in society.
pastor, I could not make a bunch of laws and expect all of you to follow
them If I am not willing to do so myself.
As parents, and as believers, let’s be sure we do our best in
obeying what the Bible says.
“…Think of these things:
whence you came, where you are going, and to whom you must account.” -- Benjamin Franklin
Time. Two statements I find fascinating in the
scriptures are “…and it came about” or “…and then it
happened” after which I can read about what transpired.
This somewhat describes my feelings about summer ending and
school beginning, the changing of the colors in the fall season…it is
almost like “and it happened” without our really being aware of it.
don’t recall it happening in Klawock or in Craig, but the Cub Scouts,
the Brownies, and the Boy and Girl Scouts all have their “roundup
days” to enroll new members.
Early in the school year, children make decisions on what they
would like to be doing throughout the school year…one of those could
be getting involved in a “gang” and hang out together.
a church we find ourselves “trying” to get it together as well.
The reuniting of workers; reforming Sunday School classes after a
busy summer; recruiting new teachers; developing new ideas to reach our
communities with the love of Jesus.
Along with this comes the Pastor trying to get more people to
join the church, to become members and to strengthen our foundation as a
reinforces my thinking about “…how to…” get families and
individuals interested in “joining forces” with us to build a strong
network of individuals who work together in meet the needs of the
community. From the
membership come leaders in the church, such as: board members or
of Peace Assembly is no different.
We’ve had many families move away, we have those who are no
longer attending here, which leaves us with a “vacuum” that needs to
be filled with qualified people who love the Lord and will make a
commitment to the body of believers and become members.
“…No man ever really finds out what he
believes in until he begins to instruct his children.” -Author
Unknown (Ephesians 6:4)
of the early songs our children learn to harmonize with is “You Are My
Sunshine, My ONLY Sunshine” and we could sing it with great gusto the
last few days ‘cause we’ve had sunshine! Makes for a wonderful drive
on our wonderful new road system to enjoy the wonderful scenery! Wow, isn’t the God we serve so considerate to provide these
things for us?
attitudes seem to be so much better when it is bright and sunny out.
Someone asked me the other day “...are you enjoying our Indian
summer?” My reply was
“I didn’t think it was time for it yet but we are sure enjoying the
Bible tells us “...a joyful heart is good
medicine, but a broken spirit dries up the bones.”
(Proverbs 17:22) So hopefully you are allowing the Lord to open up your heart
to all the good things He is providing.
This should result in us being more enjoyable to be around.
But...Pastor, school is starting in a few days, you just don’t
know the “joy” I have in such a wonderful thought!
I remember our oldest son, Larry’s first day of school,
and Janet’s and David’s as well.
And would you believe our oldest great grand daughter, Jacey, has
started kindergarten? Oh me! Folks,
your pastor’s wife is getting older by the day (smile)!
One of the
things I enjoy most about the sunshine here in SE Alaska is that it
makes the water so blue and beautiful.
Let’s all sing...“...So,
let the sunshine in, face it with a grin, smilers never lose and
frowners never win, so let the sunshine in, face it with a grin, open up
your heart and let the sunshine in.”...from a song written by the
late Stuart Hamblin.
“...Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from
themselves.” -borrowed
Galatians 6:7
and non-verbal communication. Do you ever "people
watch"? I do, and often wonder what they are thinking of at
the moment, because their facial expressions are revealing their
reactions. When
we meet someone unexpectedly and are both surprised, we may not know
what to say. The cliché,
"Your actions speak so loud that I can't hear what you're say"
can be so true. It happened to me a week ago!
wrote to the church at Corinth, "...you are a letter of Christ...written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living
God, not on tablets of stone, but on tablets of human hearts." (1
Corinthians 3:3) We are letters of Christ! How do people
read us? Hopefully they will see that our "non-verbal"
communications reflect Jesus and His great love. Let's be careful
that we don't let our own concerns affect how we look or how we speak,
because our lives speak for themselves (whether we want them to or
not mind readers, so we can't tell what a person is thinking. I
sure can't; however, when I see a sad countenance or a
worried expression, it makes me wonder....
to people watching, I believe eye contact is important in making
a connection. When I'm preaching or talking with people, I want to
make this personal contact to be sure I'm receiving the attention of my
listener. Yet if I were in another culture, the custom might be
handshake or a hug is a non-verbal way to communicate even if no words
are spoken. So is a smile.
is said that it isn't your position that makes you happy or unhappy -
it's your disposition! Read 1 Timothy 6:6-7.
I recall hearing about twin boys
named Timmy and Tommy who went to the dentist.
When the Doctor came out and asked, “...which one is Timmy?”
They both pointed to the other at the same time and being twins,
they and their mother were the only ones who knew the difference.
Hey, who would want to go first to the dentist’s chair?
It is so easy to
“pass the buck” and blame someone else when the truth of the
matter it is easier to deny than admit wrong.
Adam blamed Eve when she yielded to the temptation of Satan for
their fall.
When the scripture identifies “sin” or the
“sinner,” one of the responses from people will be “...I am not
that bad of a person” and try to excuse themselves.
This will not work! Read
Romans 3:23, “All
have sinned and come short of the glory of God.”
ALL means what it says and
needs no explanation!
Falling short, missing the mark, or
just a little too late are all excuses we make and lamely admit, “I
really didn’t mean for it to happen.”
We may possibly be like each of the twins “...not me!”
Talking about twins, we
“helped” Don Busse celebrate his 50th birthday and he has
a twin brother. Don, did you ever try that little idea of pointing Ron and
saying “Not me?” By the
way, as a congregation, we do wish you a belated Happy
When the Bible tells us “...If we confess our sins,
He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us
from all righteousness,”
John 1:9) why should we be so hesitant to
accept what God has provided for us?
(author unknown).
The Lord is the stronghold of
my life—of whom what I be afraid?”
inventions are still being “created,” such as the telephone
commercial “...Can you hear me now?”
This reminded me of when I worked with the Straight Arrows (the
pre-school and kindergarten ages of Royal Rangers).
Most of the time these little “critters” (guys) would not
I made a “talking stick” and when they had it, they could talk, if
not they had to “listen.” It’s in my office now as a memory of those days.
However, it might be necessary to bring it out since we have
those who insist on talking while I'm preaching!
to the telephone invention, which has only one earpiece and one
mouthpiece. Maybe they
should’ve been designed for two ears so two people could listen but
only one speak.
this what God had in mind in creating us with one mouth and two ears?
Think about Elijah’s run
for his life. First, the
wilderness and the juniper tree, and his request to die.
Then the cave -- and a series of events took place, grabbing his
attention. The Bible
records “...the LORD was passing by!
a great and strong wind was rending the mountains and breaking in pieces
the rocks before the LORD; but the LORD was not in the wind. And after
the wind an earthquake,
but the LORD was not in the earthquake.
And after the earthquake
a fire, but the LORD was not in the fire; and after the fire a sound
of a gentle blowing.” (I
Kings 19:11-12)
James translation says “...a still small voice,”
which leads me to believe Elijah had to be “listening”.
Have there been times when we have missed out on what God was
saying because we were too busy doing our “thing”? Let’s utilize
these protruding things on our heads called “ears” and listen to
what the Spirit would have to say to us.
has said,“...Never
up a chance to keep your mouth shut!”
One of the things you folks you
do here on Prince of Wales Island, and people do any time they live near
coastal waters is “beach-combing.” The nearest thing I can
liken that to is when I was a kid growing up in the middle of
Kansas. On Saturdays we would head to the “city dump” and
spend the afternoon looking for “treasures.”
Some of the kids could get their dad’s 22 rifle and shoot rats.
The times I've been able to get
out and “comb beaches” have been very few.
We did the coasts of the Gulf of Mexico, the Atlantic side of the
ocean in Florida, as well as in California.
Then we did it while visiting our son David and his wife Shannon
when they were in Hawaii.
The reason this comes to mind
is that last Saturday, while in Craig and on the Sobriety Walk, there
was a family heading out to “beach comb.”
I wanted so much to ask them IF I could join them but they
didn’t know me and I didn’t know them, so obviously I didn’t ask.
do you suppose we are to seek the “lost” as people “comb”
beaches? The Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost. "For the Son of Man has
come to seek and to save that which was lost."
19:10) If He did it,
shouldn’t we? People are more important than finding a message in
bottle, “a glass float” or any other “treasure” stumbled upon.
example of finding something nobody wants or needs is hitting “garage
sales.” People who know
what they are looking for may find real treasures ...
such as the individual who found a rare stone worth many dollars
or a tarnished gold bracelet. Do
you suppose we might find that “diamond in the rough”? Jesus did!
poorest of all men is not the man without a cent but the man without a

Today (7/20/03) we are going to help Gary and Karen Lawton
celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary.
Congratulations to you both and to your family.
Your faithfulness to Prince of Peace Assembly is greatly
appreciated! A special thanks to those who have helped in the
decorating; the food preparation; the setup and the cleanup. It takes
teamwork for this to be accomplished.
water baptism service last week was wonderful – I was privileged to
baptize seven young people. The
baptism does not save an individual –only the blood of Jesus will wash
away sins and make a person “clean.” But it is a public testimony of
the work He has done in our lives.
The kids who took
part in this will need our prayers in the weeks and months that follow
for them to be a faithful witness of the inward work of the Holy Spirit.
We need to call for a workday soon.
Many have noticed some of the changes that have taken place in
our church. The “New
Beginnings” Sunday School class will be relocated, and the room setup
needs to take place before the teacher returns in a few weeks.
need each other. The
stronger our “unity,” the stronger our church.
Pulling together makes the work of the Lord easier.
“...And if one can overpower him who is
alone, two can resist him. A cord of three strands is not quickly torn
apart.” (Ecclesiastes4:12)
“...The company you keep will determine the trouble you meet.” Please
read Proverbs 22:24-25
Have you heard the cliché “...Oh what a tangled web
we weave when first we practice to deceive”?
The reason this comes to my mind is the other day I took on the job
of “untangling” a matted, knotted mop.
I really didn't know it was going to be such a job until after I
got started. Wow!
I told Marge, who was working here in the office at
the time, that it was like the way many of us “mess” up our lives.
Sometimes so messed up that only the Lord, Himself, can
straighten it out. He can and will when we turn everything over to Him.
Today, we are having a number of our young people who
are being baptized. For me, as pastor, it is a privilege to share in this experience
in their lives, when they are giving a public statement as to what has
happened in their lives.
When children and young people give their hearts to
the Lord at a young age, following the Lord’s example by being
baptized in water is a preventative measure in keeping them close to
the Lord in their walk with Him.
Psalmist talked about this in the first chapter.”... How
blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the
wicked, nor stand in the path of sinners,
nor sit in the
seat of scoffers! But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and in His
law he meditates day and night And
he will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water,
yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither; and in
whatever he does, he prospers. (Psalm
The best way to keep from getting our lives all tangled
up is NOT to hang around with the worldly crowd.
“Do not love the world,
nor the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the
Father is not in him.”