Comments by Pastor Howard
Well, it
has been quite a while since I have taken time to put together some
comments about the “happenings” that have taken place since
returning from my summer ministry trip to Alaska.
Upon my
arrival home I was requested to “put together” an album of the
trip to take to my 55th Class reunion in
Lyons, Kansas. I was not aware how long
it would take to assemble, caption and develop such a project. While in Anchorage, on my way home, I stopped and bought a photo album knowing that I
needed one for the many pictures I had taken throughout the summer
As I
thumb through the album, almost daily, my mind goes back to the reason
“why” I had responded to the need, and some of my friends seem to
think it was to escape the heat in Kansas
during the summer. That
really was not a consideration but it was a wonderful benefit. However, during my time in Anchorage, the weather was setting records as to the high temperatures, which
climbed into the high 90’s. For
this Kansas
kid, that was still quite warm. It
kept me busy “watering” the many flowers around the Schulz
residence, the church, and the parsonage.
With almost 24 hours of daylight, there was plenty of growing
time and due to the lack of rain, the plants needed watering.
were some of the most beautiful flowers I have seen anywhere growing
in that great state of Alaska. I was impressed how
people took pride in their flower gardens, floral displays and just
making the scenery so pleasant.
back to the “why.”
So, I’ll recap this using the
following scriptures.
The Prophet Isaiah "…Then I heard the
voice of the Lord, saying, 'Whom shall I send, and who will go for
Us?' Then I said, 'Here am I,
send me!' And He said, 'Go, and tell this people.'"
Isaiah 6:8-9 NASB.
Because there are so many who are not
willing to go!
“…And Jesus came
up and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in
heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the
nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the
Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and
lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:18-20 NASB
Because Jesus commanded it!
It’s Harvest Time in Alaska
: “…Do you not say, ‘There are yet four months, and then
comes the harvest’? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes, and
look on the fields, that they are white for harvest. Already he who
reaps is receiving wages, and is gathering fruit for life eternal;
that he who sows and he who reaps may rejoice together. For in this case the saying, is
true, ‘One sows, and another reaps.’ I sent you to reap that for
which you have not labored; others have labored, and you have
entered into their labor.” John
4:35-36 NASB
Because I was compelled to love, NOT
change, the Yupik Eskimos.
Question: Would I go again? Without
hesitation I am willing to return as the Lord would direct and the
circumstances with my family’s health improves. God leads, it is up to me to
Would you and will you?
As my time draws near to leave the Yupik Eskimo village
of Emmonak, it is more difficult for me this time because I know there
is no pastor coming to live with these folks and be their
pastor. It has been a pleasure to mingle with them and to have
some of them tell me that I cannot leave, or they are going to cancel
my flight to Anchorage, or hide the keys so I will have to stay.
An unfortunate thing happened, which I discovered just
after I arrived. Pastor Bob had sold his boat and trailer to one
of the school teachers who moved up river. When he had one of
the native men and his boys come and get it, there were some things in
the storage building he was supposed to have. For some reason I
opened one of the freezers that Camp AN has for storing meat for next
summer's camping season. I hadn't noticed it before so I looked
in it and it was not frozen. I checked the
controls. and someone had neglected to turn it on. That freezer
full of meat had to be thrown out, which will cost the Camp many
dollars. We have no idea why it happened or how it was
overlooked when the workers were storing the meat for freezing....
The reason I said all that was when I was
out just yesterday trying to give away the spoiled meat for the dogs
of people who might need food for them ... I stopped and talked with
one man who was butchering a moose that his son had killed. The
lad was excited about it and I don't know if it was his first one or
not. But his dad was pleased to get the meat I had in the little
trailer behind the ATV.
Signs of winter are every where. People are
getting their snow machines ready because in just a few weeks, well,
maybe a little longer, the Yukon River will freeze over and become
their "super highway." When the snow comes, they will
be able to travel from village to village on their wintertime highways
over the snow- covered, frozen tundra. This makes for easy
travel because during the summer months they are "land
locked" because many do not have boats and must depend on others
for travel on the river.
Looking out the dining room window at the horizon, I
see no tall trees, no mountains, no tall buildings to block the view.
If I was up high enough I could look at a 360 degree circle and the
view would all be the same. Ya can see forever! There are very few birds of any kind. Oh, there are a
few ravens and black birds, and occasionally geese can be heard
heading south. They tell me you have to travel up river to find
wildlife of any kind. Around Emmo there is none! I have
not seen one cat here either, which makes me wonder why there are not
any cats in the village. Ya don't suppose...?
It is now Sunday morning and there is NO movement and
it is 10:30 a.m., there are no ATV's running the streets yet, as
people will sleep until near noon before making their appearance.
This is one of the reasons we have our morning service beginning at
11:00 a.m. or shortly thereafter because people are just slow getting
There is no breeze, the low lying willows are very
still, the grasses are not blowing, it is cloudy and gloomy with the
probability of more rain. But...did you know the Bible says in
Psalms 118:14 "...This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in
Labor Day weekend was a very busy time in the village!
The Eskimo families, mostly men and their sons, were scurrying around
loading their boats with equipment needed to hunt moose. Fall is
definitely arriving on the Yukon Delta as the leaves on the willow
trees (shrubs) are turning fall colors, as is the grass, which is used
for weaving baskets. One of our ladies in the church makes and
sells them.
Just the other day, I was out near the slough on the
Honda ATV and just missed seeing some of the Eskimos killing a
seal...I did get to see it in their boat and one of the young men had
a seal spear in his hand. It is the first one I have seen them
actually get. There was quite a lot of excitement about their
From the parsonage dining area I can watch people on
their ATV's hauling firewood and some have already been cutting pieces
to fit in their stoves for heating during the winter. The cost
of fuel is so much they have to resort to burning logs they tow down
from upstream.
I am reminded of the scripture in Proverbs 6:6 that
tells us to "...Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider
its ways and be wise!" Also in the 30th
chapter and verse 26 "...Ants
are creatures of little strength, yet they store up their food in the
summer;" We humans could learn something
about these little creatures about providing for our families and
friends and preparing for winter. From all reports, winters here
are quite severe. These scriptures seem so appropriate since it
is the Labor Day weekend.
During the 2 months I've been in Emmonak, we have had
rain almost every day and when we don't, it's only a matter of hours
until we have dust on the roads, which remind me of the Hydaburg road
before it was blacktopped. Pot holes abound! The low-lying
areas are filled with water and the Yupik children love to play in the
water, often without coats and wearing only t-shirts. Some have
their boots on, but all are enjoying themselves even though they are
wet and - in my opinion - should be cold.
The residents' "harvest" of berries is they are turning their attention to meat for the winter by
going off to their "fish" camps and camping out for weeks at
a time UNTIL they get their moose. Seal hunting and salmon
fishing goes on every time they are out in their boats. So, the
signs of winter are all around. I enjoy seeing the smoke
drifting upwards lazily, and I know that inside their homes it is
Another season change and I am about to leave this
Yupik Eskimo village and the people I have great admiration for and
love for. Jesus told us to "...go into all the world...even
this part of the world...and preach the gospel..." known as
the Great Commission!" Matthew 28:18-20, "Then
Jesus came to them and said, 'All authority in heaven and on earth has
been given to Me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations,
baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the
Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have
commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the
age.' " 9/6/05

Good evening
(10:11 pm here)...William Lamont came over this afternoon just as I
was leaving to go get mail...I asked if he wanted a ride on the ATV
and he did...I wanted to know where the Catholic Priest lives...he
showed me and we found out he is Kotlik doing a funeral. We then
stopped a house across from City Hall, he told me who lived there but
I didn't get the name, so we headed to his mom's house, as I had not
been there yet. At Marie's we got to talking about native
art...and William told me he would take me and introduce me to off we went.
Albert & Linda Moore live near where the Jennings
live, if you remember where that is - out towards the cemetery...he
carves "seal spears and harpoons"...sells them with the
thrower for $65 to $75 dollars. I told him to hold off on one
for me.
David and Florence Tucker...they live pretty close to
AC store...he carves quite a few different
spears and dog sleds...etc. One larger dog sled
(about 10" long) was priced at $500.00. I bought two of 'em.
You believe that too, don't you? He also makes mini native
drums. Teresa Lukudak is making my Eskimo top ("kuspuk").
Now back to the lady across from the City Hall...her
name is Anna Waska. The house was full of family and friends.
Her only son, Evan, has been missing since last Friday. A
village near Bethel is where he and his family lives...they found his
boat about 8 miles down stream and his body has not been found as yet.
He has 5 sisters and all but 4 were there and I asked if they would
like for me to pray for them and the mom, Anna, and family agreed.
I visited with her, a very small fragile appearing woman who needs a
wheel chair to get around in...following the time in her room, the
girls asked if I would like some lunch...and I agreed.
They had prepared chicken legs and veggies sorta baked
and stewed...very good, potato salad and "goose soup".
The one sister told me "we won't be offended if you don't like it
or don't want to try it" ...I just needed some salt and
pepper. It was more like a broth with rice and maybe barley in
it. When I finished they thanked me for trying their food.
All in all, it was the best day I have had in the
village meeting people and getting into their homes, other than the
people we already know. I had prayed this morning after my Bible
reading that the Lord would open more doors and He did! [Howard met the Catholic priest later, and
Evan Waska's body was found. ~Marge]
Oh, William got the video player to working, as I was
not able to...there was a switch near the back of the TV that I had
not seen so I can watch videos...some of Northland Cathedral A/G they
sent up in 1998. 12-Aug-05
 Yukon Delta Assembly of God Emmonak AK

Do you ever feel “out of control”? Recently there were major forest
fires burning out of control and there were thousands of fire fighters
endeavoring to get them under control.
These fires were started by a simple little spark to ignite
them into a flaming inferno out of control these are called “fire
Within the heart of man, at times there seems to be one of these
“infernos” out of control. Some
of them can be fears that possess an individual, or anger raging out
of control which causes people to act irrationally and do things they
will forever regret.
My friends, if this happens to you,
simply know that you will need more than a book of 10 simple rules to
getting over the fears you have or the raging anger within you. You will need the power of the
Holy Spirit to come on the scene and give you the deliverance you must
have to be victorious. You
and I do not have the ability or the know how to break the bondages
that exist in our lives.
If this happens to you, take your hands
off of the wheel of life and LET GO AND LET GOD take over in the
out-of-control situation. There is one verse in the Bible that
suggests when we are at we at our wits end, we “reel and stagger like drunken men; they were at their wits' end. (Psalm 107:27) In other
words, when you have done everything and are not succeeding, how about
turning everything over to the ONE who knows how to control the
Back to the fires…the fire fighters
will keep at it UNTIL the last fire is put out and will use all
resources available to get the job done.
Why not learn a lesson from them and turn to God, who through
His Son will help you to win over whatever seems to be out of control?
Come just as you are. He is ready to help you!
is so large, so vast, and just think, it’s 2 times bigger than the
State of Texas! On June 17th
I was able to use the “Speed the Light” van that is provided for
Jim and Linda Schulz to take 8 of 18 people in from Florida
sightseeing. These folks
are here as a MAPS Team, which will divide into two groups. The ladies are conducting a VBS
for Southside Assembly of God and the men are on the construction team
going to Camp AN along the Yukon River.
When asked if I would be willing to take
a group of them to Seward, stopping a various points between Anchorage
and there, I jumped at the opportunity because I had never been out of
Anchorage that far. On the trip we
saw mountain goats (sheep); eagles; a moose at far distance; the Exit Glacier; and even had
lunch at Big Red’s Hamburger Joint, and would you believe the
kitchen was a school bus? Much nicer than Dave’s Diner in Klawock
and the food was just as good. I
told the young lady working there about Dave on
Prince of Wales Island
and she said “Oh, that is our competition?”
On the way home
we stopped at a large game reservation where they bring orphaned,
injured wild animals. Moose,
elk, musk-ox, black bear, brown bear, Sitka Deer, an eagle, a coyote,
and I am not sure what else, but by that time we were ready for a
cookout of halibut, salmon, moose and tube steaks (also known as hot dogs) at one of the
relatives in from Florida. Jim
Schulz had not seen his cousin for 27 years - and then they prepared a
meal for about 25 people. Wow!
These Florida
people were having lots of fun even though they were being
sleep-deprived … up almost 24 hours from the time they left home. Our roundtrip was about 250
miles of beauty!
I might add there are projects in
many of the villages throughout
where volunteers are welcomed to come and minister through building
projects, conducting VBS, youth outreach efforts, or just doing supply
work as I am doing. The
harvest truly is great and ready, as Jesus said. (John 4:35)

When most of
us (especially with children) think about the 4th
of July, it is all about fireworks, picnics, cookouts,
family get-togethers, a day away from the office, or just being plain
lazy. However, I would
like for us to consider the price that is being paid for our freedom.
During the last week of June, I got to thinking
about the church sign here at Crossroads Assembly of God in
, and the message it sends to those who drive by. The thought that came to me was
“Remember, Freedom is not Free” so that is what I put up last
Monday for people to think about before the Independence Day, July 4th. Hopefully people will consider
the cost of our freedom that is being paid by our young men and women
who are serving in the Armed Forces of these
United States of America
Freedom represents the possibility of doing
“things” we enjoy doing without the fear of being imprisoned. But…there are people who are
in the “prison” of debt, of fear, of moral corruption, of the
“bottle,” and are struggling to find a way out of the “prison”
or the maze of life. Some
even feel hopeless, and it is these I want to know, there is a way out!
Jesus said
“…Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."
(John 8:32) This really should be
great news to those who are in bondage or are “imprisoned” by any
number of things - but the
major one is sin! Jesus
summed it all up by His words about knowing TRUTH! It is by the truth of God’s
Word that true freedom comes.
On Sunday
July3rd, we will pledge our “allegiance” to the American Flag, the
Christian Flag, and the Bible. The
reason we do this is simply to state our position of being
“dependent” upon our heavenly Father through His Son Jesus Christ
and by the power of the Holy Spirit! 29-Jun-05

To be like Jesus, to be like Him! What a challenge for believers
who desires to live for Him. Daily
there are people we meet who do not know Him. Do they see Him in us?
These comments are my
first since leaving Kansas City
to do whatever the Lord directs as I serve Him in this great State of Alaska. In the Dallas
airport I came across a couple who may have been older than I am
reading their Bibles. I
asked him what version he was reading and he said King James. My response was “…Oh, the
one Jesus used,” trying to strike up a conversation with him and he
replied “…No, the one John the Baptist used,” and with that the
conversation ended. I am
guessing he was a pastor from his dark suit, white shirt, tie,
shined shoes and all, but too busy reading “…the Word” to
discuss it. I was thinking
maybe he would try to witness to me but that failed. So, did I fail doing my part?
On the planes, nobody
was talking, very little discussion going on, and I find it rather
difficult to carry on a “one-sided” conversation. So from the travel aspect not
much happened. On my
flight from Dallas
to Seattle, I was sitting in the very last row in back of the plane and got to
“see” everyone who had to go to the toilet. Interesting!
It is amazing to
travel. From the time I
left Kansas City
until Pastor Jim Mercer met me at the airport in Kotzebue, I did not
see one person I even remotely recognized. Travelers, at least the ones I
was with, were not very friendly.
So, what am I to do? Boldly
and bravely announce… "I am a Christian, look at me and talk to
me"? I don’t think so…but I do pray for the passengers
next to me and do ask the Lord to help open the door to speak to
them…"prayer darts" I call them.
writer of Ecclesiastes said it well “…Do
not be quick with your mouth, do not be hasty in your heart to utter
anything before God. God is in heaven and you are on earth, so let
your words be few.” Eccl. 5:2 (NIV) 23-Jun-05 |

A simple plan of Salvation
appears each week in the Pentecostal Evangel magazine,
and I want those who read these comments to know that this
plan is for them too! Although it is simple, it is
effective if you sincerely follow each step.
“A” - Admit YOU are a sinner.
Romans 3:23 “... for all have
sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”
be saved.”
must ask God for forgiveness -- no one can do it for you.
Romans 5:8 “God demonstrated
His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners,
Christ died for us.”
“B” - Believe in Jesus
is not enough just to believe, you must accept Him into your
life by putting your trust in Him as your only hope for
John 3:16
“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only
begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish,
but have eternal life.”
John 14:6
“Jesus said to him, ‘I am the way, and the truth,
and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me’
become a child of God when you receive Jesus into your life.
John 1:12
“As many as received Him, to them He gave the right
to become children of God, even to those who believe in His
Revelation 3:20
“Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone
hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him, and
will dine with him, and he with Me.”
“C” - Confess - that Jesus is your Lord and Savior.
Romans 10:9-10 "...that if
you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your
heart that God raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved;
for with the heart man believes, resulting in righteousness,
and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation.
means you should tell someone that you have asked Jesus into your
life. Share what has happened to you.
Pray this prayer:
“Lord Jesus, I admit I am a sinner. I want You to forgive me
of all my sin, and I believe that you died for me. Now I
accept you as my personal Savior and do confess with my mouth
that I am born again and I am a new creation by His precious
blood that was shed for me.
If you prayed and asked Jesus into your heart, or you need
help, please give me a call at (913) 788-8637 in Kansas City,
Kansas. God bless you!