
week, have there been days when you woke up singing “…Oh what a
beautiful morning, Oh what a beautiful day, I’ve got a wonderful
feeling, everything’s going my way”???
I have. But I keep forgetting that some are not old
enough to know some of these vintage songs.
Of course this one I am referring to is not a Christian melody,
but could be if a few words were changed.
Such as the last line could read, “…Jesus is leading the
old hymn I have had on my mind was “Friendship with Jesus,
fellowship divine, Oh what blessed sweet communion, Jesus is a friend
of mine.” Another one
is a rather new song by Bill Gaither “…I’m so glad I’m a part
of family of God, I’ve been washed in the fountain, cleansed by His
blood. Joint heirs with
Jesus as we travel this sod, I’m so glad I’m part of the family of
in my next-to-last message to this Assembly, I’m sharing the
importance of fellowship. If
you’re in a boat by yourself, it’s pretty difficult to have
“fellowship” with just you alone. So, it takes at least two in a boat for there to be
fellowship … at least there should be fellowship.
It could be the two are not speaking which paints a different
devotions this week were in the Gospel according to John.
In the 15th chapter, there is a relationship that we
can relate to. The Vine
and the Branches. In
order for us to maintain the “life flow” in our Christian walk, we
must stay connected to Jesus Christ, the Vine.
That is fellowship with the Son of God.
if we walk in the light as He Himself is in the light, we have fellowship
with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all
sin.” (I
John 1:7)
word of caution: Let’s make our fellowship inclusive not
exclusive. Our church
is not a social club where only members are welcome, but we welcome
all into our fellowship. Amen?
Definition of fellowship: “…the condition of friendly relationship existing among
persons: comradeship… That’s

Psalmist wrote “…Thy word I have treasured in my heart, that
I may not sin against Thee….”
Psalm 119:11 is the best way to keep a close walk with the
Lord. To do this means we
have to apply ourselves in familiarizing ourselves with His Word.
We accomplish this by spending time in it.
packing the office at the parsonage I came across “handwritten”
verses that we had banded together.
There were about 125 of them and are remnants of my Navy days
when Dad Rattan had us memorizing scriptures for personal evangelism.
We had written the reference on one side of the card and the
verse on the other. Then
in spare moments we would have someone quiz us on the verses by asking
either the reference or reading the scripture and we’d give the
may be asking me why I am bringing this up.
What happened was I realized that I do not spend enough quality
time trying the memorize verses.
My challenge is for us to renew our efforts in “…hiding
or treasuring God’s Word in our hearts.”
Believe me, folks our ability to share the Word of God will be
greatly enhanced.
this for a start. Write
Psalm 119:11 on a 3x5 card and carry it with you, whether in your
shirt pocket, or your purse, or how about placing it on the dash of
your car where you will see it every time you get into your car.
When that one is memorized, add another one, and at the end of
a year, IF we have been faithful, we’ll have learned 52 new verses
… IF we did one a week.
Let’s reflect a little on
the children and youth who ministered in our service Easter Sunday,
under the leadership of Florence Manier, Brian and Donna Templin, and
their helpers. We greatly
appreciate their hard work and efforts in sharing the truth of Easter,
that Jesus did not stay in the tomb but was resurrected for our
benefit. Praise the Lord!
Is Risen Indeed!
What does Easter
mean to you? If you were a “city dweller” you might be tempted to
join the Easter parade in your new Easter “outfit”.
If you attended one of the mega churches down south, you may be
tempted to “strut your stuff” in front of your friends who do the
same thing. Been there,
done that!
This morning there
were people whom to attended the Community Service at the Veterans’
Field here in Klawock. We
were blest by the Community Choir, the Word of God, congregational
singing and a message by Pastor John Steinberg.
At the writing of these comments all we can say about the
weather is…it is unpredictable, hopefully the rains held off.
For every believer
the Resurrection demonstrated a number of things.
I want to repeat, but modify them from last Sunday’s
bulletin, at least four things the Resurrection demonstrated:
All of the Words of Jesus are true
{2} Jesus was more than man
{3} Shows Jesus died for all men
{4} You and I will rise again!
Remember the message of the angel to the women who visited the tomb
that early morning… “He is not here, He is risen!”
(Mark 16:6)
Because He lives,
we all can face each day! Because
Jesus paid the supreme price for our salvation, we can enjoy the
benefits of His resurrection. Through
His death, we find LIFE and that life is abundant.
Special thanks to
Florence Manier, planning the Resurrection Easter Egg hunt last
Sunday, then directing the children today.
Thanks to Brian & Donna and the youth for the puppet and
skit presentations.

How do you handle
your emotions? Are there days when you feel like you have been
on an emotion “roller coaster” ride? Most of us have had
those experiences. At the church or at the parsonage, there are times when the
telephone rings; it is a message of joy!
A new baby has been born and brings such happiness.
Then the next call comes is where death has invaded a family
and a loved has been ushered into the presence of the Lord.
Maybe this explains
why, when I have answered the phone, I fumbled around with “…Good
afternoon, Prince of Peace Assembly, this is Pastor Marshall.…”
which comes out ok, but there are times when my tongue gets all
tangled up and the other day I simply answered “...This is the
church”. (Smile)
As emotional beings
we react in different ways to messages we receive…and when the day
is over we’re exhausted. When
this happens what are we supposed to do? Fall down in a heap? Shed a
few tears? Or reach out by faith and hold to the promises of God?
For several days
this week I met with a group of people who are trying to come up with
solutions and methods of dealing with the substance abuse on POW
Island. The presenter led us in a number of different exercises to
identify problems, which affect children, youth, and adults in our
homes and schools. It was
somewhat of an emotional time because we feel there are mega-problems
and not enough volunteers to help solve them.
But we cannot quit, because the need continues to exist.
The Lord will help
us learn "how to" deal with issues that spring forth in our
daily living. Psalm
37:1-6. Key words: Trust; Delight; Commit; Rest; Cease; and Fret not!
you would know the greatest sum in addition, count your blessings!”
-- Selected
<:>< ~~~~~~~~~~~
Is Coming!
Have you
noticed spring flowers are beginning to appear? Last Monday I
saw my first “skunk” cabbage sprout, which tells me winter is
almost over. To those who have grass, it won’t be long until the
mowers will have to be gotten out to do their duty!
special request from your pastor…those of you who have the “how-to’s”
in lawn preparation, your help is needed at the parsonage in getting
the yard ready for summer. Maybe
when we have our “work day” some can go there and work on it.
What ya think?
of “work day,” Saturday, March 27th has been set to
begin at 9:00 a.m. IF the
weather is cooperative, we’ll try to get a new coat of stain on the
exterior of the church. Help
will be needed to cover and tape the windows ahead of the sprayers.
all Sunday school teachers, what a perfect time for you to do some
“spring cleaning” in your classrooms. We need to give the church a good cleaning before Easter
activities begin, April 4th (Palm Sunday and Easter April
allow me to comment on the Singspiration
last Sunday night, at which Marge and I were honored. We thank you folks here at Prince of Peace Assembly who
participated, as well as the many from across the island.
Wonderful evening of power packed singing, the sharing of
scriptures and the love offering received for us.
This was one of the many expressions of love that have been
shown to us. Of course
you know this makes it even more difficult to leave POW Island and
this church.
the 3rd Annual Pinewood Derby was another success, due to
the hard work of many who donated their time in the planning,
preparing and involvement from the beginning to the end.
What an array of cars created and carved by child/parent teams.
Congratulations and job
well done!

was a “power packed weekend” for spectators and players of Klawock
and Hydaburg basketball. It
was “high energy” for everyone who attended the games.
Of course this excitement carried over to the “home-coming”
activities. The Craig Panthers had their exciting games as well.
What I am saying is, it is great to be young and involved.
The overpowering
excitement generated in communities all over Alaska has no comparison
in the lower 48, at least on the high school level.
Our congregation is
blest with high quality young people attending Craig High and Klawock
High. There are those who also excel in academics and were involved in
the State competition in Anchorage.
As your pastor, I want to congratulate each one of you who stay
involved in your schools, because this is a wonderful time for you to
be a Christian and let your “lights” shine on your school campus.
Tonight, our youth
will be presenting a skit during the Singspiration at the Church of
God in Craig. Come and
support our kids and their youth pastor, Brian Templin and his wife,
The Apostle Paul
said it well in his writings to the Church of Philippi when he wrote
“…I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward
call of God in Christ Jesus.” (Phil.
In the face of
“retirement” again, Marge and I both know there is no place to
really “just quit”. Both
of us will stay involved in our “home” church in Kansas City.
Marge will be singing in the choir and I will be working with
the Royal Rangers, serving as their Chaplain.
God’s Word instructs us to occupy
until.... “And he called ten of his
slaves, and gave them ten minas, and said to them, `Do business with
this until I come back.' ”
Luke 19:13.
of us do not like to take “exams” anytime.
I don’t really know of anyone who thoroughly enjoys being
tested when it requires us to give answers either verbally or written
-- especially me, your pastor!
The Apostle Paul
wrote about it to the Corinthian Church when he was preparing them to
take the Lord’s Supper. He
makes his comments about what our Lord did with His disciples; He
talked about the frequency this was to be observed only by saying, “…as
oft as ye do it do in remembrance of Me,” quoting the words of
Jesus, in First Corinthians 11:23-30.
Paul concludes his
comments by telling us that whoever eats the bread and drinks the cup
of the Lord unworthily shall be guilty of the body and blood of the
Lord. (Vs. 27) Then
comes the part about “examination” when he writes “…but let
a man examine himself…” since no one can do it for him, he
must do it himself.
As we enter into
the communion service, I would encourage everyone to do just that. When our hearts are prepared and ready we can do so without
any condemnation.
Folks, there is no
other human order, institution, or organization that will compare with
what we as a body of believers are able to corporately or individually
share that will equal the communion service.
As your pastor, I
want to encourage you to keep your heads, hearts and homes (last
Sunday morning’s message) open to what God wants to do within this
congregation. As
you stay committed and united, the Lord will direct you in your search
for a new pastor and then the selection of who you believe will best
lead you and shepherd you, as the flock of God!
said it?
“…united we stand, divided we fall.”
Today is a
day that happens every 4 years.
I wonder about people who are born on February 29th
getting to celebrate their birthday every four years…I guess
you could party either on the 28th of February or
on the 1st of March.
So all “leap year” is…is a year with 366 days in
I am told
that girls can invite the boys on a date during Leap Year…I
don’t really know what would keep them from it any time.
Huh?!! So,
what to do with this “extra” day this year? It will
probably be like any other day…in our world’s philosophy
“what will be will be” and there is nothing we can do
about it.
matters most is that we commit our lives to the Lord and allow
Him to work in and through us, to minister to the needs of
people. It will
be during these times that we fully rely on God for every
Monday, I called Kansas City KS to talk to the Planning and
Zoning people about a variance that we’ll need to replace
our house there with somewhat of a larger one.
I discovered that the deadline for getting our request
in would be this Friday, February 27th…did we
make it? We sure tried and IF the mail gets through then the
deadline was made. So,
maybe I used my “extra” day in getting the necessary
paperwork to KCK on time.
let me change subjects…our Youth Pastor, Brian, and I have
been discussing about how we can best reach the youth in
Klawock, and we believe it will be through the involvement of
our own kids ministering to them; and last Sunday night the
greater percentage of those present were young people.
TONIGHT…they will be in charge of the service and
will be doing the speaking.
Parents, they do need our support.
Remember, nothing will redeem the time we lose with
So let’s make the most out of the opportunity of
working with them.
So, it’s Leap Year Day…an extra day with them!

God Is Good!
Sunday night I shared some thoughts about “How Good is Good?”
This week the Lord proved Himself more than good. In all
of His greatness, He provided a “rain-free” day last Monday for
the Templins to make their move to Craig. (If you don't live in
a rain forest, you won't understand this!)
the early morning hours on Tuesday I heard the rain and immediately
thought “God is so good to have given a nearly dry day for getting
them moved.” The work
went well with no injuries…just sore muscles!
When people work together the work goes so much more quickly.
The eagerness of people to help each other is wonderful.
spaghetti dinner last Sunday was very good and well-prepared by some
of the young people and their adult leaders.
In the future there will be more activities where this
co-operation will exhibit itself.
Looking back over the churches of which Marge and I have been a
part, I believe this is of the finest we’ve been privileged to be
with. From Harper, Kansas
to San Diego, California to Cincinnati, Ohio back to Kansas (with
McCracken, Great Bend, Concordia and Kansas City all sandwiched in
between), and then to finalize our pastoral ministry here SE Alaska.
Wow! What a trip!
God is so good and we do appreciate everything He does for us.
9th, I passed 50 years of ministry in one form or another.
When the Lord calls us, it is up to us to respond with
“…here I am send me!” Try
it, you’ll be amazed at what all will transpire.
just remember things happen when people pray!
Prayer changes things and people too!
It is “NOT by might, NOT by power BUT by MY Spirit…” says
the Lord. And…we are more than conquerors and will be victorious.
“…But in all these things we overwhelmingly
conquer through Him who loved us.”
This verse tells it all!
Romans 8:37
~~~ <:><
~~~ <:><~~ <:><
~~~ (<== fish)
than a Valentine
Day! I think I have heard
that sales of flowers are higher on this day than any other.
I also read just recently that the average guy in the US will
spend over $100.00 on a valentine gift.
Roses? Chocolates? Expensive perfume? A romantic dinner date at
the local hamburger diner? A little candy heart? Or “just” a card?
It is the thought that counts, right?
For quite a number of years I would give Marge a
“stuffed” animal for Valentine’s Day.
So she has quite a collection.
Folks, it has been 51 years of trying to show her I love her
though these simple little gestures.
Today, we are having a spaghetti lunch prepared by
some special people who are encouraging our young people that “True
Love Waits.” In
committing to this, young people are pledging to keep themselves pure
sexually for their life-long mate.
It is a belief Marge and I have that children enjoy
seeing their parents display affection towards each other.
TV romance IS NOT the answer.
I believe our world has the meaning of “love” and
“lust” mixed up or confused.
Webster defines love as a} strong affection b} warm attachment
c} attraction based on sexual desire d} a beloved person e} and
unselfish loyal and benevolent concern for others.
Also f} a score of zero in tennis (and this is NOT what I am
talking about!)
Ok, now what does it say about “lust”?
a} an intense or unbridled sexual desire; lasciviousness b} an
intense longing—lust.
What does the Bible say about “love”?
Romans 5:8 “…But God demonstrates His own love toward
us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” John
3:16 “…God so loved the world…” I John 4:7 “…beloved,
let us love one another…” Here
is a short outline on “love.”
It is the nature of love to: 1. Desire the highest good of the
one who is loved. 2. To be willing to give itself to the one who is
loved in order to impart the highest good. 3. To want to possess its
“…Success in
marriage is more than finding the right person.
It’s becoming the right person.”
I Timothy 6:11

a "spirit of unity and cooperation" prevailed at our Annual
Business Meeting last Wednesday evening, that followed a wonderful
"buttermilk pancake/waffle feed." Who would have
thought we' have someone suggest pancakes ...oh, I know why...because
I bought two half-gallons of buttermilk by mistake and this helped us
use it up. Yay!
believe when we are led of the Spirit of God and we're all walking in
the light as He is in the light, this unity will continue to take
place at Prince of Peace Assembly. It didn't come as a surprise
to very many that I gave my 90-day notice that I'm retiring as your
pastor on May 2, due to health reasons for both Marge and
myself. This wasn't an easy thing to do because I don't handle
these decisions well. But the theme for the General Council of
the Assemblies of God throughout 2004 is "The Time Has
Come," so it seems fitting to follow the theme, and go home to
am assured and confident the Holy Spirit will guide this congregation
in electing a new pastor. It is never easy for these transitions
to take place, because many friendships have been developed over these
five years. But you'll make new friends in the future and so
will we.
apostle Paul said it well, "forgetting what lies behind and
reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for
the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus."
(Philippians 3:13-14) Let's do
it! 8-Feb-04
<:>< <:><
The little
chorus is so true that speaks of when we “get-together” there is
somewhat of a thrill that is associated with it.
I believe this expresses some of the feelings when believers
come together to worship our Lord.
We should be thrilled!
Today, millions
will be watching the “super bowl” football game being played by
the two teams who made it to the “finals.”
In the stadium thousands will be together but there will not be
much fellowship because they will be strangers -- yet having one thing
in common…they want their team to win!
We welcome 11
people into our fellowship here at Prince of Peace Assembly today. These have chosen to “join arms” with us to strengthen
the church body in Klawock. As
your Pastor, I want to encourage everyone to make this commitment in
building the Body of Christ, or some call it the Kingdom of God, by
being faithful to Jesus, our Lord and Savior.
This Wednesday,
February 4, we’ll have a fellowship meal at 6:30 and all are
invited. Our Annual Business Meeting will follow immediately
afterwards. Once again everyone is invited to attend.
This is a time when we come together to do business.
It’s an opportunity to learn about our church.
Reports will be given and hopefully each office will be filled.
Finally, thank
you for your prayers while Marge and I were on what we called a
“vacation” and it was -- but with not much slack time.
Our family had a wonderful time together in Alpine, Texas at
David and Shannon’s home. All
19 made it. One other
highlight of the reunion was our First Waffle Cook-off with the
guys…and would you believe your Pastor won over the other 6
guys…Branin, David’s son, took 2nd place!
Many will remember David, Shannon, Branin and Halee, who used
to live here in Klawock. Shannon’s
parents, Stan & Sharon Snider, “pioneered” this church in the
aim in life improves as we grow older, but it seems we run out of
ammunition” –